Monday, October 13, 2008


October 13-17th
Conference Week
We have a very short week here at school. I am looking forward to seeing all of you again or possibly meeting some of you for the first time. Please make sure you check your child's planner for conference times or they are posted on the window of the office.
This week we will be working on some review in math. We took Math Chapter Tests last Friday and saw where we needed extra practice. We will continue to work on 2 chapters of Maniac Magee (chpt. 26-27) during reading time. We are also taking more time with possessive singular/plural nouns. There may be a few students that are bringing those worksheets home tonight. We will not have a homework packet or spelling test this week. We will resume both of those next week.
I look forward to seeing all of you, and if there are any parents interested in helping plan a Halloween party for the 31st, please let me know at your conference.
Thanks, Miz Schmutz

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