Monday, October 6, 2008


At the beginning of the year the students wrote about themselves through recipes. We talked about what kinds of words and measurements went into recipes. They came up with a variety of things that described themselves through measurements and words that one would find in cook books. We call this "Creative Writing"

Recipe of Lindsay

A cup of love followed by a mixture of friends and talent

Shake up a balance of loving parents

throw in a sibling, a pinch of hope, and a spoonful of dreams.

Throw it all in the microwave and warm for exactly 10 minutes.

Then put them in a bowl of hope diamond.

Recipe of Nicholas

Mix 2 cups of brain with 1 gal. of video games

Then whisk with a little brother

Add 1 gal. of soccer

1 cup of swimming and a dash of baseball

Then cook at 650F to make my temper

Then add 1 lazy eye and a buzz cut, and you've got me.

Recipe of Maggie

Add 2 cups of brain to 2 little brothers

Stir until odd,

Add 1 gal. of football, and extra sharp cheddar chocolate chip cheese,

stir until German.

Then bake in the oven at 365F for 20 min.

Then sprinkle on swimming and serve on a turquoise platter.