Thursday, October 30, 2008

MM Week 10 Work


Maniac Magee Chapters 38-41 (143-161)
Due Friday, November 7, 2008

Chapter 38 (143-148)
Word Wizard smirky(145) mossy(147) exuberance(148)
Marooned (143)

1. What was interesting about the Mars-Maniac race?
2. Who saved Maniac from his embarrassment at the end of Chapter 38?

Chapter 39 (149-152)
Word Wizard Ludicrous(150)

1. Quote the interesting way that Spinelli lets us know that the weather turned cold?
2. What does it mean to be “pure July inside” (pg. 149)
3. What smelled so bad to Maniac at the end of Chapter 39?

Chapter 40 (153-157)
Word Wizard
Extort(154) shenanigans(154) protruding(156) satchel(157)

1. What role did Maniac play with Russell and Piper?
2. Why did Maniac reject the role of father to Russell and Piper?
3. Why did Maniac leave the McNabs?
4. Prediction: Will Maniac attend the birthday party and what guest will be bring?

Chapter 41 (158-161)

1. Who was Maniac’s guest at the McNabs birthday party?
2. Explain the description “blackest of the black.”How did Maniac convince Mars to attend the party?

3. How did Maniac convince Mars to attend the party?

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