Monday, October 27, 2008

Week 9 M.M.


Maniac Magee Chapters 32-35
Week 9 – Due October 31, 2008

Chapter 32
Word Wizard; pallbearer vaguely

1. What woke Maniac on December 13th?
2. Who were the pallbearer’s waiting for at the funeral?
3. When did the funeral take place?
4. What did Maniac do at the end of Part II?

Chapter 33
Word Wizard: Solitary

1. Maniac could not bring himself to stay at the band shell. He returned only to pick up what?
2. Where were some of the places that Maniac stayed since he did not return to the band shell?
3. Where did Maniac end up at the end of Chapter 33? What was he waiting for?

Chapter 34
Word Wizard: Hearth

1. When Maniac went outside his cabin, what did he feel down his back? Where did he go?
2. Where was Screecher and Missing Tooth going? Where were they from?
3. Who did Maniac tell the boys he was?
4. What happened a block past Cobble’s Corner after Maniac feed Piper and Russell his free pizza? Explain

Chapter 35

1. What are your feelings toward John McNab now?
2. What did Maniac notice about the inside of John McNab’s house? Explain
3. What were the things that looked like raisins?

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