FINAL WEEK OF SCHOOLDear Families,I can't believe we are actually here!! I want to thank all of you that have helped me over the year making sure field trips are chaperoned, projects are completed, and volunteer work is completed around the school. You all are treasured!!Thank you for sharing your students' with me. It has been a wonderful class and I will continue to watch the 4th graders mature and grow in Middle School, while having a chance to be with my 3rd graders one more year.May you all have a wonderful, and relaxing summer.Grades have been entered and will go home with your student on Friday, along with your students' independent reading levels and a recent writing sample.Friday is an 11am dismissal!Mass is at 9amAwards are at 10amI am also sending home a reading packet for my 4th graders next year. I am asking that they read Double Fudge over the summer, complete the reading packet, and then return to me the first week of the new year, in September. I am also sending home a 3rd grade English work book. Please take some time to have your student work in this work book over the summer and return to me at the beginning of next school year.Blessings and good SUMMER cheer to each and everyone of you,love,Miz Schmutz
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL - June 10-14, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Angelville News, June 3-7th
Week 39
Dear Families,
WOW!! I can't believe that we are coming to an end to the year already. It has been a great year, for sure, and I have really enjoyed having all of your students!! Those moving on will be truly missed!! I am also excited to have all of the 3rd graders in 4th next year. It too should be a wonderful year.
Here are some of the events to come....................
Thursday, June 6: 4th grade math final/Beatitudes quiz
Thursday, June 6: Jr. Olympics Concert at 7pm. Please have your student back to school and in the classroom by 6:45pm, we will process over as a class.
Friday, June 7: Jr Olympics and noon dismissal. All are welcome to share in our world pot luck in the cafeteria beginning about 11:15am. Mrs. Rappe is looking for help with this. Looks like we need some jerked chicken chefs. Our country this year is Jamaica. I want to thank Kate Rappe and Lisa Mac in advance for helping with this and the students costumes.
There will be no Homework this week. The students are working on Washington State attraction Brochures, as part of our study of Washington this year and our Writers Workshop benchmark to create a brochure. I am hoping they will be completed by Thursday as grades are due at the end of the week. Those students who need some extra time may be bringing these home to work on. However, I am hoping that we can complete these during class time. Both 3/4 classes are working on these this week.
4th grade math students will take a final math exam on Thursday. This weeks class time we will be spent getting ready for this test. There will also be a Beatitudes quiz on Thursday.
If you have any questions please contact me.
Week 39
Dear Families,
WOW!! I can't believe that we are coming to an end to the year already. It has been a great year, for sure, and I have really enjoyed having all of your students!! Those moving on will be truly missed!! I am also excited to have all of the 3rd graders in 4th next year. It too should be a wonderful year.
Here are some of the events to come....................
Thursday, June 6: 4th grade math final/Beatitudes quiz
Thursday, June 6: Jr. Olympics Concert at 7pm. Please have your student back to school and in the classroom by 6:45pm, we will process over as a class.
Friday, June 7: Jr Olympics and noon dismissal. All are welcome to share in our world pot luck in the cafeteria beginning about 11:15am. Mrs. Rappe is looking for help with this. Looks like we need some jerked chicken chefs. Our country this year is Jamaica. I want to thank Kate Rappe and Lisa Mac in advance for helping with this and the students costumes.
There will be no Homework this week. The students are working on Washington State attraction Brochures, as part of our study of Washington this year and our Writers Workshop benchmark to create a brochure. I am hoping they will be completed by Thursday as grades are due at the end of the week. Those students who need some extra time may be bringing these home to work on. However, I am hoping that we can complete these during class time. Both 3/4 classes are working on these this week.
4th grade math students will take a final math exam on Thursday. This weeks class time we will be spent getting ready for this test. There will also be a Beatitudes quiz on Thursday.
If you have any questions please contact me.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Angelville News, May 28-31, 2013
Week 37
I heard that Grandparents Day was a success and that the Grandparents/Grand friends truly enjoyed themselves. This is wonderful!!
Upcoming Events:
*HOME WORK this week will be done in class. If your student does not use their time wisely in class you will see work coming home to be completed.
*MSL is something that comes home each day to be worked on for Mrs. Corr
Thursday 30: 4th graders will take their Geometry final test
Thursday 30: RED/WHITE/BLUE day. This is the official Memorial Day. The students can wear these colors to school to honor those who have fallen before us in war.
Thursday June 6: 4th graders will take their final Math Cumulative Test for the year. They will also take their Beatitudes test.
Thursday June 6: 7pm in the gym Jr. Olympics Concert. Please meet in the classrooms at 6:45pm and we will walk over as a class.
Friday June 7: Jr. Olympics DAY!! The students may come in their flag colors and scarfs that they will be making prior to the concert. 11:30am our Jr. Olympics walk around the world feast will begin. Family members are welcome to join. Very similar to our Thanksgiving feast idea. School will be dismissed at noon this day.
I am in the process of completing Reading Assessments for all students. I am also in the process of grading their final Writing Assessments of the year. Once finished with both of those I will send these reports home at the end of the year with their Report Cards.
I want to thank Kate Rappe and Lisa Mac for helping with the Jr. Olympics costume project and emailing about the food. We are JAMAICA this year. Our colors are BLACK/GREEN/YELLOW. I ask that your student come to the Jr. Olympic concert in these colors. If your students does not have one of these colors, white can supplement. Please email Kate or Lisa if you are able to help with the Jamaican food, either making or serving. Thank you all so very much!!
Kate - kate@cmykate.com
Lisa - lisa-macomber@msn.com
Week 37
I heard that Grandparents Day was a success and that the Grandparents/Grand friends truly enjoyed themselves. This is wonderful!!
Upcoming Events:
*HOME WORK this week will be done in class. If your student does not use their time wisely in class you will see work coming home to be completed.
*MSL is something that comes home each day to be worked on for Mrs. Corr
Thursday 30: 4th graders will take their Geometry final test
Thursday 30: RED/WHITE/BLUE day. This is the official Memorial Day. The students can wear these colors to school to honor those who have fallen before us in war.
Thursday June 6: 4th graders will take their final Math Cumulative Test for the year. They will also take their Beatitudes test.
Thursday June 6: 7pm in the gym Jr. Olympics Concert. Please meet in the classrooms at 6:45pm and we will walk over as a class.
Friday June 7: Jr. Olympics DAY!! The students may come in their flag colors and scarfs that they will be making prior to the concert. 11:30am our Jr. Olympics walk around the world feast will begin. Family members are welcome to join. Very similar to our Thanksgiving feast idea. School will be dismissed at noon this day.
I am in the process of completing Reading Assessments for all students. I am also in the process of grading their final Writing Assessments of the year. Once finished with both of those I will send these reports home at the end of the year with their Report Cards.
I want to thank Kate Rappe and Lisa Mac for helping with the Jr. Olympics costume project and emailing about the food. We are JAMAICA this year. Our colors are BLACK/GREEN/YELLOW. I ask that your student come to the Jr. Olympic concert in these colors. If your students does not have one of these colors, white can supplement. Please email Kate or Lisa if you are able to help with the Jamaican food, either making or serving. Thank you all so very much!!
Kate - kate@cmykate.com
Lisa - lisa-macomber@msn.com
Monday, May 20, 2013
Angelville News, May 20-24, 2013
Week 36
I want to thank all of our families and students who helped with One Saturday this past weekend. All of the baby supplies that were brought in were shared with families in need. We have a few things coming up here in the next week...............
Tuesday: CRASH musical at the Seattle Center. We will leave school on the city bus about 10:15 and return home by 2:30 back to school. Please pack a paper lunch that can be thrown away. IF your child has not filled in a field trip form please do so by tomorrow or your student will remain at school.
Wednesday: Early release at 2:15pm, teacher meetings.
Friday: 1/2 day, GRANDPARENTS DAY! If your child would like to bring a grandparent or special someone please have them fill our a form and return to the office if they have not already done so. This performance will begin about 10:30 in the gym. The students will then have time to eat cake with their special person and show them around the school. School will dismiss at noon. If your student would like to go home earlier with their special person this will need to be cleared through the office.
NO SCHOOL MONDAY THE 27th - Memorial Day!!
Spelling pages 224-227
Reading Log
Have a great week!!
Week 36
I want to thank all of our families and students who helped with One Saturday this past weekend. All of the baby supplies that were brought in were shared with families in need. We have a few things coming up here in the next week...............
Tuesday: CRASH musical at the Seattle Center. We will leave school on the city bus about 10:15 and return home by 2:30 back to school. Please pack a paper lunch that can be thrown away. IF your child has not filled in a field trip form please do so by tomorrow or your student will remain at school.
Wednesday: Early release at 2:15pm, teacher meetings.
Friday: 1/2 day, GRANDPARENTS DAY! If your child would like to bring a grandparent or special someone please have them fill our a form and return to the office if they have not already done so. This performance will begin about 10:30 in the gym. The students will then have time to eat cake with their special person and show them around the school. School will dismiss at noon. If your student would like to go home earlier with their special person this will need to be cleared through the office.
NO SCHOOL MONDAY THE 27th - Memorial Day!!
Spelling pages 224-227
Reading Log
Have a great week!!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Angelville News May 13-17, 2013
Bon Dia
Week 35
Dear Families,
This week we will begin ITBS Testing. It is very important that your student has lots of sleep and is fed well in the morning. I am ok with your student bringing in lots of snack for the week. I will provide gum for the students who choose to chew gum during testing.
There will be no homework packet going home. They will have MSL and Spelling to work on in class. If you have any questions please contact me.
3/4 Science:
We have been working on a "Magnetism and Electricity" unit. The students have had many hands-on experiences exploring the properties of magnetism and have recently discovered how to create a circuit in order to light a light bulb.
On Friday, May 17, at 2:00, the 3/4 classes will have a guest speaker, Michael Foster, speaking to us about "Climate Reality". This goes along with our efforts to protect the environment with our school recycling and garden projects. Parents are welcome to join.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Angelville News May 6-10, 2013
Dear Families,
We have a few important announcements this week. One is that there is lice in our classroom. The students that we know have lice have or are getting this taken care of. Please take a few minutes tonight to check your students head. The school is looking at bringing in a few nurses to check all elementary students.
Next week we will begin our ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) testing. The 3 and 4th graders will be taking this test Tuesday-Friday in the mornings. It is crucial that your student is well rested and fed this next week. Mrs. Connell will conduct the 3rd grade testing as I will conduct the 4th grade testing. We will not have a homework packet going home this week due to the testing.
If you have any questions about the testing please let me know.
Last week the students wrote Underwater Fantasy Stories in correlation with an author visit we just had two weeks ago. THEY ARE AWESOME!! If you get a change please come up to our hall and read some of them. Last Thursday we also had our final writing assessment. I will begin grading those today. I did read quickly through most of them and again, was super impressed. These will not be coming home but will travel in a portfolio with your student to the next grade. If you would like a copy of their writing please let me know and I will make a copy for you.
Week 34
May 6-10,
1). Read
each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet. Make sure you are getting your parents
signature. Many students are not filling in their reading logs! STILL!!
Spelling Unit 35
3). MSL
Work is due
on Friday, May 10!
Mother’s Day to all of our MOMS!! WHOOP WHOOP!!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Angelville News, April 22-26, 2013
News, April 22-26, 2013
---EARTH DAY (my garden at home)
Week 33
WOW!! What great success on the Literacy/Arts
Festival! Thanks to all of the students
who participated in their literacy as well as those who performed. I would say we do have some performers in our
school!! Thank you to all those who came
and supported St. Al’s and our students!!
On Tuesday,
we have a special author visit by Dan Yaccarino. He has written a children’s story about Jacques
Cousteau and his fantastic undersea life. Since today is Earth Day, we too will begin to
write Fantasy Stories about undersea life. All of the writing we do is in preparation for
a final writing assessment that the students will complete. I will keep you posted as to this date. It may be as early as next week.
reports will be turned in this coming Friday and sent home next Tuesday.
grade Religion students will begin to learn about the Beatitudes this week. We also continue with the Unit of Geometry as
I know that the 3rd graders are also studying this unit.
Unit 33
*You may
see the Fantasy Story coming home if your student seems to need some added support.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Angelville News, April 15-19, 2013
Week 31
Good Morning Families,
There are many reminders to share in this weeks BLOG! First off, a big round of applause goes out to my class for their job well done on our Prayer Service! I saw many parents that came out to support them. This means so much to the students to have their families there, so thank you!
Last week we had the opportunity to return our little Salmon creatures back to their natural habitat at Carkeek Park. Many prayers were said as they make their long journey out into the Puget Sound. Such a very small few will ever live a full life where they in a few years will return to Pipers Creek to spawn where a new salmon cycle begins. We had many volunteers on this trip and I want to thank all of you for your time and support.
Wednesday: Literacy/Arts Festival, 6-8pm, the 3/4 class is to have all of their book boards already turned in. Last Friday was the due date. These will be on display throughout the school Wednesday night, along with poetry books they have been working on and Onomatopoeias'. There will also be a stage set up in the cafeteria where Literacy performances will take place. Our 3/4 class will be singing and performing a few Readers Theaters. Please have your student there. Students who wear their uniforms will receive a free dress ticket from their teacher.
Class picture day, wear uniforms!!
Friday: BINGO night, kitchen opens at 6:30pm
we will be finishing up our poems this week for our Literacy Festival.
4th grade math students did really well on their Fraction/Decimal unit final. We now begin Geometry this week.
In Social Studies we will begin to study Westward Expansion/Oregon Trail. Our Language Arts will couple with this unit of study.
4th grade Religion students will begin a chapter on the Beatitudes, coupled with an Art project depicting their Beatitude.
Upcoming: is Arbor Day April 22nd.
If you have any questions please contact me at mizschmutz@gmail.com
Thank you, and have a great week. Pray for SUN :)
Week 31
Good Morning Families,
There are many reminders to share in this weeks BLOG! First off, a big round of applause goes out to my class for their job well done on our Prayer Service! I saw many parents that came out to support them. This means so much to the students to have their families there, so thank you!
Last week we had the opportunity to return our little Salmon creatures back to their natural habitat at Carkeek Park. Many prayers were said as they make their long journey out into the Puget Sound. Such a very small few will ever live a full life where they in a few years will return to Pipers Creek to spawn where a new salmon cycle begins. We had many volunteers on this trip and I want to thank all of you for your time and support.
Wednesday: Literacy/Arts Festival, 6-8pm, the 3/4 class is to have all of their book boards already turned in. Last Friday was the due date. These will be on display throughout the school Wednesday night, along with poetry books they have been working on and Onomatopoeias'. There will also be a stage set up in the cafeteria where Literacy performances will take place. Our 3/4 class will be singing and performing a few Readers Theaters. Please have your student there. Students who wear their uniforms will receive a free dress ticket from their teacher.
Class picture day, wear uniforms!!
Friday: BINGO night, kitchen opens at 6:30pm
we will be finishing up our poems this week for our Literacy Festival.
4th grade math students did really well on their Fraction/Decimal unit final. We now begin Geometry this week.
In Social Studies we will begin to study Westward Expansion/Oregon Trail. Our Language Arts will couple with this unit of study.
4th grade Religion students will begin a chapter on the Beatitudes, coupled with an Art project depicting their Beatitude.
Upcoming: is Arbor Day April 22nd.
If you have any questions please contact me at mizschmutz@gmail.com
Thank you, and have a great week. Pray for SUN :)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Angelville News, April 8-12, 2012
Good Day families,
I must apologize about not getting the news out until now. But here it is..............
First, I want to welcome everyone back to school. We have been very busy here already this week in 3/4 West because we have lots coming up.
FRIDAY APRIL 12: Our Prayer Service in the Church, please join us as all of the students will participate in this service. 8:55am
WEDNESDAY APRIL 17: Our very first bi-annual Literacy/Arts Festival. From 6-8pm in the school. The students will have their work on display throughout the school. All of my students will also be preforming in song or Reader's Theatre skits on stage that night. I am hoping they will all be here. This is a great way to see what your students have been doing, and a nice way to highlight their hard work. If they come in uniform they will receive a FREE-DRESS coupon to use when they choose.
We have been working hard on poetry and stories these past few weeks. There is no Homework packet going home this week as their BOOK BOARDS are due on Friday, April 12. These will also be on display in the school of the Literacy/Arts Festival.
If you have any questions please contact me, mizschmutz@gmail.com
Good Day families,
I must apologize about not getting the news out until now. But here it is..............
First, I want to welcome everyone back to school. We have been very busy here already this week in 3/4 West because we have lots coming up.
FRIDAY APRIL 12: Our Prayer Service in the Church, please join us as all of the students will participate in this service. 8:55am
WEDNESDAY APRIL 17: Our very first bi-annual Literacy/Arts Festival. From 6-8pm in the school. The students will have their work on display throughout the school. All of my students will also be preforming in song or Reader's Theatre skits on stage that night. I am hoping they will all be here. This is a great way to see what your students have been doing, and a nice way to highlight their hard work. If they come in uniform they will receive a FREE-DRESS coupon to use when they choose.
We have been working hard on poetry and stories these past few weeks. There is no Homework packet going home this week as their BOOK BOARDS are due on Friday, April 12. These will also be on display in the school of the Literacy/Arts Festival.
If you have any questions please contact me, mizschmutz@gmail.com
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Our Rock Star of the week Henry, and his precious dog, Oscar! We can see that Oscar is very loved and has a great owner! Thanks for sharing with us today Henry!!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Salmon Field Trip April 8th
We will be going on a field trip to Carkeek Park on Monday, April 8
(10:00-12:00) to release the salmon fry that are currently residing in the St.
Alphonsus science lab. Students learned about the salmon life cycle this fall.
Please sign & return the field trip form ASAP. We will need
driver/chaperones for this trip! Thank you!
~Sherry Weber
~Sherry Weber
Monday, March 18, 2013
Angelville News, March 18-22, 2013

Dear Families,
Hope everyone had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!! There is no School on Friday. It is a Teacher work day!
Dear Families,
Hope everyone had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!! There is no School on Friday. It is a Teacher work day!
1). Read
each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet. Make sure you are getting your parents
signature. Many students are not filling in their reading logs! STILL!!
2). Work
on your Biography Books and Boards Due April 12.
Spelling Unit 28 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)
Work is
due on Friday, March 22!
This week in School we will continue to work with Poetry. This week we will learn about Sensory Poetry, Free Verse and students choice.
The students will be given the last chapter in Lewis and Clark to complete and then I will check all journals. They will also be given a review sheet of Lewis and Clark. We will have our final Lewis and Clark Test on Tuesday, March 26.
The students will be given a Studies Weekly today to begin reading. I will give them their Studies Weekly worksheet tomorrow, Tuesday, to work on in class.
4th grade math class continues to work with decimals. We will have a decimal test next week on Thursday, March 28.
4th grade Religion did really well on their Stations of the Cross quiz last week. They will have another quiz on the Lent unit this Thursday, March 21.
Have a great week. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Angelville News, March 11-15, 2013
Week 26
Dear Families,
I had a wonderful weekend again in Spokane. We had a big SURPRISE birthday party for my mother, and boy was she SURPRISED!! It was so fun to be with family and great friends of our past and present. Life is short, and those are the moments we treasure.
Friday is GREEN DAY!! Wear your green. We also have another author visit. With just a few weeks before Spring Break we are all getting a bit antsy. We have had some issues lately with teasing and fighting over games at recess. Please take a minute at dinner or in the car to open the conversation up about teasing and appropriate sport play, especially in this time of LENT! We will be taking more time in Religion class this week touching upon these topics.
The second trimester ends this Friday!!! If worried about inc work please see me!
*The 4th grade Religion class will have a test on the Stations of the Cross on Thursday. In 4th grade math we will begin our Decimals chapter, we finished up Fractions last week, will go home this week. Once we finish decimals we will have a decimal/fraction test to end the unit.
*We continue to read our Lewis and Clark book. We are getting close to the end and will have a test at the end of next week. Today, the students needed to read Chapter 10 and complete the questions in their reading journals.
*In Writers Workshop we started a unit in Poetry. We are getting ready for our LITERACY/ARTS Festival to be held on Wednesday, April 17 in the school from 6-8pm. There will be live performances as well as Art, student literature, and poetry throughout the building. Please come and support your students on that night. A student project will be going home on Tuesday. Each student has chosen an American Hero, they need to read a book on their hero and then create a book board. ALL INFO WILL COME HOME FOR YOU TO READ ABOUT!!
Homework is listed below:
is due on Friday, March 15!
Week 26
Dear Families,
I had a wonderful weekend again in Spokane. We had a big SURPRISE birthday party for my mother, and boy was she SURPRISED!! It was so fun to be with family and great friends of our past and present. Life is short, and those are the moments we treasure.
Friday is GREEN DAY!! Wear your green. We also have another author visit. With just a few weeks before Spring Break we are all getting a bit antsy. We have had some issues lately with teasing and fighting over games at recess. Please take a minute at dinner or in the car to open the conversation up about teasing and appropriate sport play, especially in this time of LENT! We will be taking more time in Religion class this week touching upon these topics.
The second trimester ends this Friday!!! If worried about inc work please see me!
*The 4th grade Religion class will have a test on the Stations of the Cross on Thursday. In 4th grade math we will begin our Decimals chapter, we finished up Fractions last week, will go home this week. Once we finish decimals we will have a decimal/fraction test to end the unit.
*We continue to read our Lewis and Clark book. We are getting close to the end and will have a test at the end of next week. Today, the students needed to read Chapter 10 and complete the questions in their reading journals.
*In Writers Workshop we started a unit in Poetry. We are getting ready for our LITERACY/ARTS Festival to be held on Wednesday, April 17 in the school from 6-8pm. There will be live performances as well as Art, student literature, and poetry throughout the building. Please come and support your students on that night. A student project will be going home on Tuesday. Each student has chosen an American Hero, they need to read a book on their hero and then create a book board. ALL INFO WILL COME HOME FOR YOU TO READ ABOUT!!
Homework is listed below:
Week 26
11-15, 2013
1). Read
each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet. Make sure you are getting your parents
signature. Many students are not filling in their reading logs! STILL!!
2). Lewis
and Clark News Article to be three paragraphs.
Spelling Unit 26 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)
Have a great week!!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
3/4 Science
Did you know that Venus spins in
the opposite direction of most planets? That Mercury’s temperature drops to -290
degrees at night, even though it is the closest planet to the sun? Or that
Saturn has 53 moons? These are just a few of the interesting facts that the
3rd and 4th grade
students discovered while doing research on the solar system. Each student was
assigned one of the eight planets to research and then reported their findings
back to the class. Students used this knowledge to help them create their own
solar system art project. This project was led by Mrs. Wisen, mother of Mason in
3/4 West. Students used tissue paper collage to represent the surface of the
planets. Thank you Mrs. Wisen!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Angelville News, March 4-8, 2012
Dear Parents,
My 4th grade math students have a math test on Friday, March 8th. I have tried to copy and paste my math notes on here for you, but I am having great difficulty. The students all took CORNELL NOTES, a note taking system designed by a professor at the University of Cornell for his college students. I find it to be a wonderful way to take notes and then study them. I will continue to try and post my notes on the blog.
Friday is the Spelling Bee, we have representatives, Gracie for 4th grade and Cole for 3rd grade.
Dear Parents,
My 4th grade math students have a math test on Friday, March 8th. I have tried to copy and paste my math notes on here for you, but I am having great difficulty. The students all took CORNELL NOTES, a note taking system designed by a professor at the University of Cornell for his college students. I find it to be a wonderful way to take notes and then study them. I will continue to try and post my notes on the blog.
Friday is the Spelling Bee, we have representatives, Gracie for 4th grade and Cole for 3rd grade.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Angelville News, February 19-22, 2013
Dear Families,
Hoping everyone had a nice relaxing mini break. I see that some students have been kissed by the sun! Very fun!!
I will not be in school this Thursday or next Monday and Tuesday. I have to go to Spokane. Mrs. Weber will be here of me on Thursday and her mother, Mrs. Kopf will be here for me next Monday and Tuesday. Some of you may know Mrs. Kofp, and those who don't she worked at St. Alphonsus for many years and is FABULOUS!! The students will enjoy her!
Dear Families,
Hoping everyone had a nice relaxing mini break. I see that some students have been kissed by the sun! Very fun!!
I will not be in school this Thursday or next Monday and Tuesday. I have to go to Spokane. Mrs. Weber will be here of me on Thursday and her mother, Mrs. Kopf will be here for me next Monday and Tuesday. Some of you may know Mrs. Kofp, and those who don't she worked at St. Alphonsus for many years and is FABULOUS!! The students will enjoy her!
1). Read
each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet. Make sure you are getting your parents
signature. Many students are not filling in their reading logs! STILL!!
Studies Weekly #11 Lewis and Clark. Wkst and crossword
Spelling Unit 23 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)
Work is
due on Friday the 22nd!
*There will be an SLE quiz on all of the Religion SLE's this Thursday. Miss Julie will also teach a lent lesson to the 4th graders.
*Fourth grade math continues to work with fractions. This week we will be adding Fractions with like denominators.
*In Social Studies we are reading about Lewis and Clark and their expedition from St. Lewis out west in 1804. You will see the students bringing home or working on comprehension questions in their Journals. I am copying all of the pages of the book a few chapters at a time so that you all don't have to hunt down the book. Those students who were on vacation longer than the two days will need to catch up. We are now on Chapter 5. The nice thing is that they are short chapters. Our next writing assignment will be to write front page news articles about their exploration. I will introduce this to the students in the next week of so.
Have a great week, its wonderful to see the sun! Miz Schmutz
Monday, February 11, 2013
Angelville News, February 11-14
Week 22
11-14, 2013
Dear Parents,
Valentines Day is on Thursday. We will have a little party in the afternoon. A movie and cupcakes. I sent home tonight a copy of all the students names in both 3/4 Classes. I told the students that they do not have to make Valentines for the 3/4 East class. But if they do decide to make Valentines for our class I ask that they make one for every student.
We will be having mass on Wednesday instead for Tuesday for Ash Wednesday at 9am.
The students did a great job on their Native American projects! WAY TO GO!!!
Many students are going on Vacation. Please let me know again if you will need work. I've done my best to plan for the next two weeks.
No School on Friday the 15th and Monday the 18th.
*SLE quiz on Tuesday for 4th graders. All 4 SLE's quiz on Thursday.
1). Read
each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet. Make sure you are getting your parents
signature. Many students are not filling in their reading logs! STILL!!
2). TFK –More
for Lunch
3). Spelling
Unit 22 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)
on FRIDAY the 15 and MONDAY the 18th.
*All work is due on Thursday, Feb.
have a nice few days off, Miz Schmutz
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Angelville News February 4-8, 2013
Week 21
4-8, 2013
I want to apologize for no Newsletter last week. I was sick and when I came back, frankly I had forgotten. This week we finished all of the Native American Projects, and they were fabulous. We have them on display now in the school. Fill free to stop in to the Commons or up on the 2nd floor hall.
*Friday the 15th and Monday the 18th are NO SCHOOL DAYS! Many of you have notified me that your student will be gone. It is stated in the school hand book that the teachers are responsible for getting all work your student has missed upon their return. I usually do my best to get the work ahead of time, but it does require extra planning on the teachers part, and from my 10 years of experience in doing so, the work usually does not come back after the vacation completed. For those of you who are going on vacation I will do my best to to get your student the basics. Anything I am not able to print or plan ahead for the next two weeks they can make up upon their return.
4th grade Religion students have an SLE #3 quiz today. This has been something we have been working on and talking about for a week. They all knew this was coming.
-we will begin to learn about the last SLE next week and the quiz for that one will be on Thursday the 14th V-Day!!
4th grade Math, we have started the Fractions Unit. This week we are working on Equivalent Fractions, it can be a difficult concept to grasp, so we will be working on it all week.
We will finish up with Native Americans this week in SS and move on to the Oregon Trail.
In Science the students will be researching Planets with Mrs. Weber in class.
1). Read
each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet. Make sure you are getting your parents
signature. Many students are not filling in their reading logs! STILL!!
2). TFK –
The Race to Save the Cheetahs
Spelling Unit 21 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)
*All work
is due on Friday, Feb. 8th.
Have a great week :)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Angelville News, January 22-25
Week 19

Dear Families,
A huge thanks to all of my Chaperone's who helped with the Burke Museum field trip. It was a great trip and fun to eat with all of the college students in the UW commons!!
This week I will not be sending home any homework, as it is vital that all of the students are working on their Native American Projects. These projects are due next Thursday, January 31. The students will be presenting these projects on Thursday and the following Monday, Feb. 4th. All of the students received a very detailed print out of the project, expectations, time line, and rubric. Please make sure that you have seen this packet, or ask your student to see it. If your student can not find their packet please see to getting a new one ASAP!
4th Grade Math/Religion - there is a math test on Thursday the 24 over chapter 6 in their math book (measurement). There will also be a religion quiz. We are learning about the School Wide Learning Expectations (SLE's). The quiz will be over the 2nd SLE, A Life Long Learner who:
Progress Reports - these will go home next Tuesday, Jan. 29. Please bear with us as we continue to work out the kinks on this new grading program.
OPEN HOUSE- This Sunday is our school's Open House. We will celebrate in a school mass at 10am and the Open House will follow immediately until 1pm. Student work will be on display in the school if you want to stop by and take a look! The week to follow is Catholic School's week! Each day will be a different dress up day. During that week the students will take part in a service project as well as a retreat put on by Fr. Shane and the Sisters.
Please continue to check your student's planner. This is the best way to see what your student is doing and a communication tool between school and home. Thank You!!
Week 19
Dear Families,
A huge thanks to all of my Chaperone's who helped with the Burke Museum field trip. It was a great trip and fun to eat with all of the college students in the UW commons!!
This week I will not be sending home any homework, as it is vital that all of the students are working on their Native American Projects. These projects are due next Thursday, January 31. The students will be presenting these projects on Thursday and the following Monday, Feb. 4th. All of the students received a very detailed print out of the project, expectations, time line, and rubric. Please make sure that you have seen this packet, or ask your student to see it. If your student can not find their packet please see to getting a new one ASAP!
4th Grade Math/Religion - there is a math test on Thursday the 24 over chapter 6 in their math book (measurement). There will also be a religion quiz. We are learning about the School Wide Learning Expectations (SLE's). The quiz will be over the 2nd SLE, A Life Long Learner who:
Progress Reports - these will go home next Tuesday, Jan. 29. Please bear with us as we continue to work out the kinks on this new grading program.
OPEN HOUSE- This Sunday is our school's Open House. We will celebrate in a school mass at 10am and the Open House will follow immediately until 1pm. Student work will be on display in the school if you want to stop by and take a look! The week to follow is Catholic School's week! Each day will be a different dress up day. During that week the students will take part in a service project as well as a retreat put on by Fr. Shane and the Sisters.
Please continue to check your student's planner. This is the best way to see what your student is doing and a communication tool between school and home. Thank You!!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Angelville News, January 14-18, 2013
Week 18
(We are half way there, hard to believe)
Dear Families,
We will be taking a field trip to the Burke Museum this coming Friday. Please make sure that your student brings in their form and money for this trip. We will need parent drivers. If you believe you can drive, please let me know ASAP.
This week we are talking about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the peaceful marches he lead (no school on Monday, Jan. 21 in honor of MLK). He believed that peace could be won with love not war. Our TFK focuses on MLK and we will complete this in class, it will not come home in the homework packet. We will also not have a Geography weekly this week. We are working on personal narratives and getting them typed up. The students do have a new Studies Weekly on the Coastal Indians, but most of this reading and work will be done in class.
Please see that your student reads each night and that you are signing their logs. Please also make sure that you are sending your student to school with proper warm clothing. It is very cold outside these days. If I do not feel as though your child has enough warmth on I will have them remain in the building for recess. Please also make sure that your student is coming to school in proper uniform attire. Mrs. Innes has asked that the students are in mass attire each and every Tuesday.
We are getting ready for our annual Open House, Sunday, January, 27th. Student work will be on display. Fill free to stop in and see your student's work.
Please continue to keep Mrs. Innes in you prayers as she is on bed rest until the baby comes, she is due in the beginning of Feb.. She has been a great leader this year, and we are lucky to have her.
Miz Schmutz
Week 18
(We are half way there, hard to believe)
Dear Families,
We will be taking a field trip to the Burke Museum this coming Friday. Please make sure that your student brings in their form and money for this trip. We will need parent drivers. If you believe you can drive, please let me know ASAP.
This week we are talking about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the peaceful marches he lead (no school on Monday, Jan. 21 in honor of MLK). He believed that peace could be won with love not war. Our TFK focuses on MLK and we will complete this in class, it will not come home in the homework packet. We will also not have a Geography weekly this week. We are working on personal narratives and getting them typed up. The students do have a new Studies Weekly on the Coastal Indians, but most of this reading and work will be done in class.
Please see that your student reads each night and that you are signing their logs. Please also make sure that you are sending your student to school with proper warm clothing. It is very cold outside these days. If I do not feel as though your child has enough warmth on I will have them remain in the building for recess. Please also make sure that your student is coming to school in proper uniform attire. Mrs. Innes has asked that the students are in mass attire each and every Tuesday.
We are getting ready for our annual Open House, Sunday, January, 27th. Student work will be on display. Fill free to stop in and see your student's work.
Please continue to keep Mrs. Innes in you prayers as she is on bed rest until the baby comes, she is due in the beginning of Feb.. She has been a great leader this year, and we are lucky to have her.
Miz Schmutz
Monday, January 7, 2013
Angelville News Jan. 7-11, 2012
Bon Dia
Week 17
Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a restful and exciting Holiday Season! I did and I am glad to be back with the students.
1). Read
each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet. Make sure you are getting your parents
signature. Many students are not filling in their reading logs! STILL!!
2). The
students will have homework each night in their Studies Weekly Newspaper. This will be assigned each day in class. Some may complete this work and not have to
bring it home at night. We have begun a
SS unit on the first Native Americans in Washington .
Spelling Unit 17 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)
*We are
all off to a good start, it’s a New Year and many of the students have New Year
Resolutions. We will be writing those
down tomorrow and posting them up on our board in the hall!!
This week we are focusing on Writers Workshop Personal Narratives. The students are all thinking of a seed story that they can begin to brainstorm a time line for. A Seed story is a smaller idea that can grow. They are all drawing from their vacation break to begin ideas. You may see some writing coming home this week. I am not sending home a packet, more or less you will see extra reading and writing to be done at home.
In my Religion Class we will begin the 'Student Wide Learning Expectations'.
In 4th grade math we continue to work on Measurement and the Steps to word problems. The students will take a measurement test in two weeks.
Have a great week!
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