WEEK 37, Last week of school
June 7, 2010
This will be the last Angelville Blog post for the year.
-Grades will go home on Friday
-Last school mass is at 9am on Friday
-Awards assembly in the Gym on Friday at 10am
-Miz Schmutz will be buying the kids lunch from DICKS on Thursday, you do not need to pack them a lunch. Your student can choose from burger or cheese burger and fries. This comes from a promise I made them at the beginning of the year if they kept and brought back each week their Friday Folders.
-Math test on Wednesday
-Thursday the students will show their Power Point presentations of the companies they have research in Washington.
-This week I will try and post pictures of late field trips and the garden.
If I have forgotten anything I will send it in an e-mail.
Hoping the sun sines on us this week!
-We plan to show our Bridges Story at the Award ceremony on Friday if it works out with all others involved.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Final SS project due June 9th
Final S.S. project, Washington State History
Student projects on Washington today. Students will choose a company in Washington/Seattle and create a Power Point Presentation including the following in their presentation.
· Year your company was established
· Mission of the company
· 5 W’s and 1 H
- Who started the company? Who do they serve?
- When was the company started?
- Where was the company started?
- Why was the company started?
- What does this company do? What is the need for this company?
- How was this company started? How many years did it take for this company to get its feet off the ground?
· Does this company do anything charitable or humanitarian for others or other organizations? Explain
· Does this company employ individuals in its local community?
· Is this company respected in its State/Community? Explain how it is or isn't
· Name some interesting facts you didn’t know about this company that you found interesting.
· Why did you choose this company for your project?
Project Due Date June 9/June 10, show PP to the class.
*Please bring in a thumb drive to store your PP on. If you do not have one I can store it on mine so that we can then share it with the class.
Some company ideas: (Starbucks, Boeing, Microsoft, Eddie Bauer, REI, Amazon, Nordstrom’s,) Some people ideas (Dale Chihuly, Tom Douglas, Rick Steves, Paul Allen, Bill Gates). Please come up with others that are not on this list, but they must have started either in Washington or Seattle.
*You will include pictures from internet in your PP of your company.
Student projects on Washington today. Students will choose a company in Washington/Seattle and create a Power Point Presentation including the following in their presentation.
· Year your company was established
· Mission of the company
· 5 W’s and 1 H
- Who started the company? Who do they serve?
- When was the company started?
- Where was the company started?
- Why was the company started?
- What does this company do? What is the need for this company?
- How was this company started? How many years did it take for this company to get its feet off the ground?
· Does this company do anything charitable or humanitarian for others or other organizations? Explain
· Does this company employ individuals in its local community?
· Is this company respected in its State/Community? Explain how it is or isn't
· Name some interesting facts you didn’t know about this company that you found interesting.
· Why did you choose this company for your project?
Project Due Date June 9/June 10, show PP to the class.
*Please bring in a thumb drive to store your PP on. If you do not have one I can store it on mine so that we can then share it with the class.
Some company ideas: (Starbucks, Boeing, Microsoft, Eddie Bauer, REI, Amazon, Nordstrom’s,) Some people ideas (Dale Chihuly, Tom Douglas, Rick Steves, Paul Allen, Bill Gates). Please come up with others that are not on this list, but they must have started either in Washington or Seattle.
*You will include pictures from internet in your PP of your company.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Week 35, May 24, 2010
Week 35, May 24, 2010
To our SUPER chaperones; Dave, Star, Maureen, that made the long trip down to the Capital Campus with us. We had a great day. We had the amazing opportunity to sit on the House floor in the rep. big leather chairs and hear from one of the representatives from Federal Way. According to our guide she had never seen that before. No one is invited on the floor, we were guessing it was a case of being in the right place at the right time. Upon entering into the Capital Building there was a student choir on all three levels singing Bach. It sounded like angels singing, very special.
7:00pm June 3rd, Junior Olympic Performances in the gym.
Friday, June 4th Junior Olympics and lunch from the different countries. Early out.
We are wrapping up our year. I am going to give a time line of what to expect in the next few weeks of 4th grade.
Math: We will begin to review our different math units learned this year. We will have a final Math test on Wednesday, June 9th. I will hand out that review guide to the students today. We will also have a math quiz this Friday the 28th over our Solving Problem unit.
Religion: The students have turned in their Saint Reports. The students will present their Saint Reports to the class on Wednesday, May 26th. They will also write to the Saint in their own life who resembles likeness to the Saint they did their reports on. We will have a visit from Deacon Joe on Thursday, a visit from a community member about being goods stewards of the earth and gardening, today. We will also work out a day where we can walk down and see her community garden here in Ballard. When we decide on that day I will send home a slip for you to sign since we will be crossing 14th. The remaining days we will work in the garden, planting, weeding, and just plain tending.
Reading/Social Studies: This Friday, June 28th we will have a quiz over chapters 11-13. We will also continue to read through chapters 14-16 in the Social Studies book. Much of what we are now reading about we saw and experienced on our Capital Building visit. The quiz for Chapters 14-16 will be on June 3rd. The students will begin to explore a company in Washington/Seattle today. They will work on this project in pairs. They will present their company to the class on Thursday, June 10th. We will start this company project late this week, Wednesday or Thursday. I will be conducting QRI assessments to those students who read at or below a 4th grade reading level at the beginning of the year. If your student read at a middle school level at the beginning of the year I will not re-give him/her the QRI (Qualitative Reading Inquiry).
Science: We will go through the Sun, Moon, and Stars Foss kit; this will take us to the end of the year. This test will be the last week of school; I’m not sure the date yet.
LA: In our English Voyages book we will continue parts of speech with adverbs. We will also write our own versions of the book; There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly. I will be driving over to the teacher learning store to pick up these books. Boxes of 10 books are sold for $30. I ask that you send in $3 dollars for your student’s book.
Bridges: We hope to finalize the bridges editing this week. I would like to invite all of the families in to see our digital story the last week of school. I will let you know on the date when we have finished the story.
Have a great week :)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Angelville News
Week 34, May 17, 2010
WOW! Can't believe we are in week 34!
*Dave, Maureen, and Monica for driving to Edmond's. We couldn't have had a better day! Great Field Trip, kids were SUPER!
*4th graders for their continual garden stewardship. We had a nice time showing the garden to the Pre-kers last Friday. The 4th graders showed them around, explained what was growing and then read stories to them in the garden on the tree stumps from Nora's yard. We love the stumps to sit on Nora, Thank You!
*Olympia Field Trip this Friday, 21. We will leave right at 8:30am and return just before the end of the day. Students will need to wear their Green Team t-shirts and uniform shorts or pants. Hoping it will be another nice day.
*This week we are going to finish up our Saints' reports. We will work in the lab to finish these. I will collect them on Thursday. In Math we will continue with our Problem Solving Unit. Due to the ITBS tests last week, we didn't do much math. In reading/S.S. we will read Chapters 14-16 in our SS book and answer the questions at the end of the chapters. The test for this unit will be the last week of school. I will give you plenty of notice and a review guide prior to the test date. In L.A. we will review parts of speech, and next week we will write our own There was an....................who......................, books. We also continue to finish up our Digital Story. We recorded the audio last week and will begin to plug in the digital pictures this week. There are still some shots I need the students to capture. I will put together a shot list today and please let me know if you can help your student capture these shots.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Angelville News
Week 33, May 11, 2010
I apologize for the late Newsletter. I was without my computer yesterday.
*Annie Cast, what a great job each and everyone of those students did to contribute to the beauty of that musical.
*Great sunny weekend, YAY!
*4th graders for always working as a team! You all are great!
*3-4 Science club on Friday
*4th grade field trip to Edmonds Beach on Thursday, keeping my fingers crossed that it is a great day! Make sure to pack your kids a sack lunch we will enjoy our lunch at the beach.
*Good night sleeps and breakfast this week, ITBS testing
*May take the kids down the street on Friday to visit a community members garden who wants to be active in our school garden. Will send home a note if we do. She just lives a few blocks.
*Well as you probably know we are in the throws of the ITBS testing all this week, so our curriculum is minimal. We are still working on our Bridges story and your student may be asked to capture a picture around our home. You may see one of the school's cameras coming home. I believe we will have a visit from a Bridges Member this week to help us record our story and match up the pictures.
*The students are working on researching their Saints in the lab. They were all given a requirement sheet of information to gather and the rubric that they will be assessed on. If they follow the rubric they should receive a perfect score. This project is all up to them. At this point int he year I need to see that they are self learners and are able to handle this project on their own. I am only asking for 3 paragraphs on their Saint, making sure they are able to capture all of the information in those 3 paragraphs.
*We will work ahead in our SS curriculum and the birth of Seattle in reading. We are also moving forward in our Science, Sun-Moon-Stars-and layers of the earth.
Have a Sunny Week!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Angelville News
Week 32, May 3, 2010
*Lets hear it for the Annie Cast! Wow, so impressive!
*Lets also hear it for the students 5 Paragraph Expository Writings. If you are in the building please come up to see the board outside the classroom. We are now working on our artist vase art, we will put those on display when they are finished.
*Early out tomorrow, Tuesday 4th
*Mary crowning Friday, 7th on the second floor in front of Mary. Have your students bring flowers that day.
*Friday is a non-uniform day
*ITBS testing will begin the week of May 10th
*This week we are going to work really hard to get our Bridges Script completed and begin to work on our shot list. Monica, I was wondering if you or any other parents would mind coming in to talk to me about this project so we can stay on track to finish the digital story. In reading/SS we will continue this week to work on Unit 8 and Unit 9 - Early Settlements. We are now in the final unit of SS - Seattle!
*In LA we are going to work on creating our own Magazine. This will be a first go-around trying this so we will see how it goes. Will probably be working on this project for a few weeks. Thursday we are going to plant some things in the garden with the Kindergartners.
*In Math we are also working on our last Unit of the year, Problem Solving. I am also going to introduce negative numbers. Students will plot integers on a (x,y) coordinate plane. After completing this unit we will review all units and take a final cumulative math final at the end of the year.
Have a great week!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Angelville News
March 26, 2010
Week 31
Can we say WOW, 4th graders! What a great job, I have heard so many great things about how you all did at the Blessing. Bishop Tyson was super duper impressed.
We are sad to say that today is Jeremy Vicencio's last day with us here at St. Al's. We sure hope he returns to graduate from St. Al's. He is off to the Philippines to be with his mother. You will be in our hearts and prayers Jeremy. God Bless you!
Annie play begins on Friday, April 30th
Jogathon, Thursday, March 29th, get your pledges.
Progress Reports will go out tomorrow.
This week we will have our Reading/Social Studies test on Friday, March 30th over The Lost Wagon Train and chapter 8/9 in the Social Studies book.
Tomorrow we will review for our Math test over; ordered pairs (graphing them), problem solving, bar graphs, probability/statistics, mean, medium, mode, which will be on Wednesday, March 28.
In Social Studies we will continue with our Bridges script. In Science we will continue with our Earth and Space Science Unit. Now that the Garden Blessing is over we will try and get back on track with that unit.
We will wrap up our Artist Expository writings this week. Friday will be the deadline. There are still some students who are falling behind. You may see an e-mail from me if your student is one of those. The plan is to use the computer lab in the afternoons to type our writings.
If you have any questions please e-mail me at
Friday, April 23, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Angelville News
Week 30
April 20, 2010
*The 4th graders for all of their hard work in the garden - Go 4th GRADE :)
*Blessing of the garden, April 23rd at 9:30am in the garden, I hope you are all able to attend. 4th grade will be putting on this prayer service. Bishop Tyson will also be in attendance.
*We have many things going on this week. I want to begin with the preparation of the garden and prayer service. The prayer service will have an Earth Day theme since the 40th anniversary of Earth Day is April 22nd. April is also National Gardening month and Poetry Month. Both of these will contribute to our prayer service.
*Another exciting thing going on is the beginning script of our Digital Story. We are on a scheduled time line to have the digital story completed by the end of May. As soon as the story is complete we will welcome all of you in to view it with us. We will have our own mini file festival toward the end of the year to debut our Story. We are consulting with Bridges 2 Understanding on this project. Our story should then be displayed on their website. If you are interested and would like to go on the you can view some of the digital stories other schools in the world have completed. This is a big deal and we would be one of just a few schools from the US. I am going to need some parent volunteers to help students capture digital pictures in and around our school community. If you are interested please contact me via my e-mail, I'm hoping to have a shot list soon.
*In reading/SS we continue to learn about the Oregon Trail. We will work on Chapters 8 and 9 of the SS text book. I am now scheduling for the Oregon Trail/Missionaries Test to take place Friday, April 30th. I will not make up a review guide for this test. Students will use their Lost Wagon Train journal and notes and work from Chapters 8/9 to review for this test. We will also review in class next week.
*In math we continue to review line graphs, probability, ordered pairs, statistics, mean, median, mode. We will have a test on the Algebra Unit Wednesday, April 28th.
*Everyone is working on their Expository Writing on their chosen Artist. My MSL students are getting help from Mrs. Corr in MSL. I hope to have these near completion by the end of the week. We will then work on the art projects to go along with the expositors. I will then display them on the outside of the classroom. I will let you know when they are displayed so you can come up and view them.
Hoping to see you all on Friday. If you have any questions about this week please contact me via e-mail.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Expository Writing Hand Out
This will be worked on at school! If your student is showing that he/she is getting behind I will notify you. Will begin the artist research tomorrow if I can get computer time in morning. Guesstimating on length of project, Friday 23. Each student has already chosen an artist.
Expository Writing (5 paragraphs).
Fill in the Space Ship Pre-Write -will hand out at school
1. Mission Control (top oval section) - Who is the artist that you are going to be writing about. This is your introductory paragraph, or known as the lead. This paragraph tells your reader what your will be writing about. The topic sentence does not need to be the FIRST sentence of this paragraph. How will you grab your reader right off the bat? Will you start with a quote from your artist? A few lines from a letter he/she wrote someone? Get creative; bring your reader into your writing.
2, 3, 4. These are your rocket booster paragraphs. These are the paragraphs that will explain more about your artist.
2. Research your artist’s child hood. Where was your artist born, how and where was your artist raised? What was the time period that your artist was alive? Did he/she have a rough growing up life, was it rich with opportunity, did your artist know when they were young that they wanted to be an artist? Was a family member an artist?
3. How did your artist become involved in the arts? Where did he spend most of his artistic life? What kind of medium did your artist use (was it sculpture, oil on canvas, pencil)? How did the arts or other artists influence your artist?
4. What did you find most interesting about your artist? Was there a painting/drawing/ piece of work that you fell in love with? Explain. Why? Did this artist in some way speak to you? Was this artist full of life? How did this come out in his/her work?
5. Landing Pad- Re-state the topic. Conclude your writing, wrap up your writing in this final paragraph. Will you end with a quote as well?
Expository Writing (5 paragraphs).
Fill in the Space Ship Pre-Write -will hand out at school
1. Mission Control (top oval section) - Who is the artist that you are going to be writing about. This is your introductory paragraph, or known as the lead. This paragraph tells your reader what your will be writing about. The topic sentence does not need to be the FIRST sentence of this paragraph. How will you grab your reader right off the bat? Will you start with a quote from your artist? A few lines from a letter he/she wrote someone? Get creative; bring your reader into your writing.
2, 3, 4. These are your rocket booster paragraphs. These are the paragraphs that will explain more about your artist.
2. Research your artist’s child hood. Where was your artist born, how and where was your artist raised? What was the time period that your artist was alive? Did he/she have a rough growing up life, was it rich with opportunity, did your artist know when they were young that they wanted to be an artist? Was a family member an artist?
3. How did your artist become involved in the arts? Where did he spend most of his artistic life? What kind of medium did your artist use (was it sculpture, oil on canvas, pencil)? How did the arts or other artists influence your artist?
4. What did you find most interesting about your artist? Was there a painting/drawing/ piece of work that you fell in love with? Explain. Why? Did this artist in some way speak to you? Was this artist full of life? How did this come out in his/her work?
5. Landing Pad- Re-state the topic. Conclude your writing, wrap up your writing in this final paragraph. Will you end with a quote as well?
Angelville News
March 12, 2010
Week 29
Monday, 2:45 - Jog-a-thon assembly in cafeteria.
Tuesday, early out, teacher meetings, 2pm.
Wednesday at 7pm - Parents Club meeting
Thursday, Class Photo's
Friday, Family Night Bingo
I am still unable to post pics on the blog, still trying to get the tech person to help me with this. He is in the building, Tuesday mornings for a few hours. I will try and hunt him down tomorrow.
This week in reading we will complete The Lost Wagon Train and the comprehension questions that go with each chapter. Next week we will read more about various important misisonaries who settled in Washington. As of today there will be an Oregon Trail/Missionaries test Friday the 23rd, this test will include The Lost Wagon Train. If this date changes based on time and content I will let you know.
In Math this week we will study line graphs. Each student will be responsible for coming up with their own Probability Study and then showing the results on a graph. They will also spend two days using problem solving strategies to answer story problems.
This week we will begin Expository Writing in LA. All of my students will be responsible in completing this project. I will be talking to Mrs. Corr to arrange time in MSL for my MSL students. The students have each chosen an artist to learn about. They will then write a 5 paragraph expository writing based on their artist. This project will be coupled with an art project.
In Religion we will be talking about how we can bring new life to others this year.
In SS we will begin our Bridges Digital Story. I met with one of the consultants from Bridges To Understanding over the break and we now have a time line in order to complete our Digital Story by the end of the year. We will work on this curriculum a few times a week towards the end of the day till the end of the year. I am very excitied about this project and have total confident in the students ability to produce a wonderful digital story.
In Science this week we will begin a new unit on Earth and Space Science. Layers of the earth , moons cycle or phases, planets and their make-up, climates, gases and atmospheres.
Hope you all enjoy your week! About 8.5 weeks of school remaining.
March 12, 2010
Week 29
Monday, 2:45 - Jog-a-thon assembly in cafeteria.
Tuesday, early out, teacher meetings, 2pm.
Wednesday at 7pm - Parents Club meeting
Thursday, Class Photo's
Friday, Family Night Bingo
I am still unable to post pics on the blog, still trying to get the tech person to help me with this. He is in the building, Tuesday mornings for a few hours. I will try and hunt him down tomorrow.
This week in reading we will complete The Lost Wagon Train and the comprehension questions that go with each chapter. Next week we will read more about various important misisonaries who settled in Washington. As of today there will be an Oregon Trail/Missionaries test Friday the 23rd, this test will include The Lost Wagon Train. If this date changes based on time and content I will let you know.
In Math this week we will study line graphs. Each student will be responsible for coming up with their own Probability Study and then showing the results on a graph. They will also spend two days using problem solving strategies to answer story problems.
This week we will begin Expository Writing in LA. All of my students will be responsible in completing this project. I will be talking to Mrs. Corr to arrange time in MSL for my MSL students. The students have each chosen an artist to learn about. They will then write a 5 paragraph expository writing based on their artist. This project will be coupled with an art project.
In Religion we will be talking about how we can bring new life to others this year.
In SS we will begin our Bridges Digital Story. I met with one of the consultants from Bridges To Understanding over the break and we now have a time line in order to complete our Digital Story by the end of the year. We will work on this curriculum a few times a week towards the end of the day till the end of the year. I am very excitied about this project and have total confident in the students ability to produce a wonderful digital story.
In Science this week we will begin a new unit on Earth and Space Science. Layers of the earth , moons cycle or phases, planets and their make-up, climates, gases and atmospheres.
Hope you all enjoy your week! About 8.5 weeks of school remaining.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Science Projects
This is a picture test! Wanted to share some of the science projects on the blog. I am still working with the computer tech person to see if we can clear this blockage.
Angelville News
March 30, 2010
Week 28 - Holy Week
The Student science projects were great! I am in the process of assessing each one of them. Students who have already received theirs were the ones who had their science packets with the assessments attached and the science project report write up. Those who still had their project write-up received +10 extra credit points. For those who have not yet received their assessments I need to print new ones out.
* Stations of the Cross on Friday morning in the church at 9am
* School dismissal at noon on Friday
* No after school care on Friday
* Spring Break next week - not sure I really needed to mention that one!
I apologize for the late newsletter this week. This morning I was working with the computer tech guy to see why I have been having some trouble with my blog. I am also working on a few grants to help fund a few programs for the school.
This week we continue to work on algebra: probability, data/charts, mean/median/mode, and problem solving.
In reading this week we will complete up to chapter 6. Those students that are ahead will go on at their own pace. I have copied new chapters for those students who do not have books. I will post the next few chapter questions on the blog today.
In LA we will continue to finish up our Fantasy Stories. I wanted to get started on Expository writings, but I do not think that we are going to have time. We will begin that after Spring Break. The students will choose an artist to write a 5 paragraph expository writing on their artist and then create an art project inspired by their artist. When we begin this I will post the project outline on the blog.
In Religion this week we will go through the stations of the cross in the class. We will also follow as Jesus moves from Death to New Life through prayer, and writings.
Hoping everyone has a good week! If you have any questions please e-mail me at
March 30, 2010
Week 28 - Holy Week
The Student science projects were great! I am in the process of assessing each one of them. Students who have already received theirs were the ones who had their science packets with the assessments attached and the science project report write up. Those who still had their project write-up received +10 extra credit points. For those who have not yet received their assessments I need to print new ones out.
* Stations of the Cross on Friday morning in the church at 9am
* School dismissal at noon on Friday
* No after school care on Friday
* Spring Break next week - not sure I really needed to mention that one!
I apologize for the late newsletter this week. This morning I was working with the computer tech guy to see why I have been having some trouble with my blog. I am also working on a few grants to help fund a few programs for the school.
This week we continue to work on algebra: probability, data/charts, mean/median/mode, and problem solving.
In reading this week we will complete up to chapter 6. Those students that are ahead will go on at their own pace. I have copied new chapters for those students who do not have books. I will post the next few chapter questions on the blog today.
In LA we will continue to finish up our Fantasy Stories. I wanted to get started on Expository writings, but I do not think that we are going to have time. We will begin that after Spring Break. The students will choose an artist to write a 5 paragraph expository writing on their artist and then create an art project inspired by their artist. When we begin this I will post the project outline on the blog.
In Religion this week we will go through the stations of the cross in the class. We will also follow as Jesus moves from Death to New Life through prayer, and writings.
Hoping everyone has a good week! If you have any questions please e-mail me at
Monday, March 22, 2010
Angelville News
Week 27
March 22, 2010
Many Thanks to my chaperone's (Jerry, Maureen and David), who went to Carkeek park with us last week. It was great fun. I want to post some pics of the day, but need to talk with the computer tech guy as I am still having trouble posting pictures.
* Field Trip to the SAM is on Wednesday, March 24, we will leave on the metro at 11:15, please make sure you pack your student a sack lunch. Thank You!
* Science Fair/ Art Exhibit/ Book Fair, all Wednesday, March 24, 6-8pm. 4th grade Science Projects will be displayed in the Library.
* Order some plants for your home or garden; edible plants, hanging baskets, vegetables, garden plants and perennials from now until April 15th through the plant sale going out this week in the AA. Plant Sale pick up will be after school on April 23rd fron 3-5. Proceeds go to help the garden and composting program.
* I have attached the study guide for the first three chapters of The Lost Wagon Train to the blog.
*In reading this week we will continue with chapters 2-3 in The Lost Wagon Train. My LA class is working on Fantasy Stories, I am hoping they will finish up with those by the end of the week.
* In math this week we will begin our Algebra and Graphing unit. We are ahead of schedule in our math curriculum so I wanted to spend some time on division last week.
* In religion this week we will be talking about the stations of the cross and the Rosary. We are going to say the Rosary on Friday. We will also finish up our CRS curriculum as we travel to Ethiopia.
* Science Fair - YIPPEE! Looks like everyone is ready to go!
Week 27
March 22, 2010
Many Thanks to my chaperone's (Jerry, Maureen and David), who went to Carkeek park with us last week. It was great fun. I want to post some pics of the day, but need to talk with the computer tech guy as I am still having trouble posting pictures.
* Field Trip to the SAM is on Wednesday, March 24, we will leave on the metro at 11:15, please make sure you pack your student a sack lunch. Thank You!
* Science Fair/ Art Exhibit/ Book Fair, all Wednesday, March 24, 6-8pm. 4th grade Science Projects will be displayed in the Library.
* Order some plants for your home or garden; edible plants, hanging baskets, vegetables, garden plants and perennials from now until April 15th through the plant sale going out this week in the AA. Plant Sale pick up will be after school on April 23rd fron 3-5. Proceeds go to help the garden and composting program.
* I have attached the study guide for the first three chapters of The Lost Wagon Train to the blog.
*In reading this week we will continue with chapters 2-3 in The Lost Wagon Train. My LA class is working on Fantasy Stories, I am hoping they will finish up with those by the end of the week.
* In math this week we will begin our Algebra and Graphing unit. We are ahead of schedule in our math curriculum so I wanted to spend some time on division last week.
* In religion this week we will be talking about the stations of the cross and the Rosary. We are going to say the Rosary on Friday. We will also finish up our CRS curriculum as we travel to Ethiopia.
* Science Fair - YIPPEE! Looks like everyone is ready to go!
The Lost Wagon Train, First few Chapters
RESTATE your answers.
Chapter 1 (pg. 7-19)
Who do you think is the main character in the book?
What is her personality like?
How many wagons were in their train?
What chore did Retta have to do? What was she picking up?
What did Retta really want to buy?
Dream Weaver handout.
Chapter 2 (pg. 20-29)
Who is Ansley? What did Retta dream would happen to Ansley?
Why did Retta have 2 burlap sacks on her shoulders? What did Retta challenge the girls to do?
What happened to Retta when she reached her wagon?
When Retta finally got to her feet and spun around what did she see her 3 friends doing?
Who are her three friends?
What was the Colonel Graves worried about?
What is Retta’s real name?
Why was Retta going to the river by herself?
Chapter 3 (pg. 30-39)
After Retta spoke with her father in the brush, they had decided she would go and find Benjamin and let him know that a storm was coming and that he should turn back to the wagon train. What did Retta stop to pick up? What did she use if for?
What river was the wagon train following?
On page 33, why did Retta start to panic?
If you were in Retta’s shoes, what would you have done?
What was the whimper and cry Retta heard when she was trying to find her way back to the wagon train?
RESTATE your answers.
Chapter 1 (pg. 7-19)
Who do you think is the main character in the book?
What is her personality like?
How many wagons were in their train?
What chore did Retta have to do? What was she picking up?
What did Retta really want to buy?
Dream Weaver handout.
Chapter 2 (pg. 20-29)
Who is Ansley? What did Retta dream would happen to Ansley?
Why did Retta have 2 burlap sacks on her shoulders? What did Retta challenge the girls to do?
What happened to Retta when she reached her wagon?
When Retta finally got to her feet and spun around what did she see her 3 friends doing?
Who are her three friends?
What was the Colonel Graves worried about?
What is Retta’s real name?
Why was Retta going to the river by herself?
Chapter 3 (pg. 30-39)
After Retta spoke with her father in the brush, they had decided she would go and find Benjamin and let him know that a storm was coming and that he should turn back to the wagon train. What did Retta stop to pick up? What did she use if for?
What river was the wagon train following?
On page 33, why did Retta start to panic?
If you were in Retta’s shoes, what would you have done?
What was the whimper and cry Retta heard when she was trying to find her way back to the wagon train?
Monday, March 15, 2010
Week 26, March 15, 2010
Tonight at 5:45 in library, school commissions meeting.
Report Cards go home on Tuesday.
Wednesday Students may wear ‘GREEN” for St. Patty’s day!
Wednesday morning is the honor role breakfast, if your middle school child is on the honor role, your 4th grader may join you for breakfast in the cafeteria, please send me a note.
Wednesday, Jog-a-thon kick off assembly.
Thursday, Field trip to Carkeek park, return of the salmon. Students need to bring a sack lunch to school, we will be eating in the classroom before we leave or the park.
Friday, March 19, no school, teacher development day.
This week we will spend the next 4 days working on long division. Next Monday we will begin our next math unit, Algebra.
In reading we are going to begin The Lost Wagon Train tomorrow. Once I have the study guide completed I will post it on the blog.
Homework packets go home today and need to be returned on Thursday. There is a study guide for this packet. For some reason the study packets did not come with the teacher’s addition last week.
We will wrap up our science projects, some of the students have already completed theirs and they look really nice. Way to go!
In religion we will travel to the country of Nicaragua. I am hoping to invite my cousin’s husband in who she met in the Peace Core in Nicaragua, he has only been in this country since last July. His name is Moises.
In Social Studies we are going to begin to assign students to roles for our Bridges story we are going to do, Becoming a Sustainable School.
Week 26, March 15, 2010
Tonight at 5:45 in library, school commissions meeting.
Report Cards go home on Tuesday.
Wednesday Students may wear ‘GREEN” for St. Patty’s day!
Wednesday morning is the honor role breakfast, if your middle school child is on the honor role, your 4th grader may join you for breakfast in the cafeteria, please send me a note.
Wednesday, Jog-a-thon kick off assembly.
Thursday, Field trip to Carkeek park, return of the salmon. Students need to bring a sack lunch to school, we will be eating in the classroom before we leave or the park.
Friday, March 19, no school, teacher development day.
This week we will spend the next 4 days working on long division. Next Monday we will begin our next math unit, Algebra.
In reading we are going to begin The Lost Wagon Train tomorrow. Once I have the study guide completed I will post it on the blog.
Homework packets go home today and need to be returned on Thursday. There is a study guide for this packet. For some reason the study packets did not come with the teacher’s addition last week.
We will wrap up our science projects, some of the students have already completed theirs and they look really nice. Way to go!
In religion we will travel to the country of Nicaragua. I am hoping to invite my cousin’s husband in who she met in the Peace Core in Nicaragua, he has only been in this country since last July. His name is Moises.
In Social Studies we are going to begin to assign students to roles for our Bridges story we are going to do, Becoming a Sustainable School.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Angelville News
March 9, 2010
Week 25
I wanted to compliment the 4th graders for grand reviews from their Substitute Teachers on their behavior from last Friday and Monday. I was away for medical reasons, and am happy to be back today.
The Last Wagon Trail books are coming in and we will begin this book on Monday. In reading, the past week and a half we have read about some explorers by sea, and now we have begun to read about immigrants who began to travel out west on the Oregon Trail post Lewis and Clark. The Lost Wagon Train will compliment this next Social Studies Unit, Missionaries. If we do not end up with enough books, I will copy the chapters for your student.
In Religion we continue with the CRS curriculum, this week we will travel to Afghanistan and learn how CRS has helped young boys and girls attend school.
Tomorrow the students have their Geometry/Measurement Unit Test. The students were given review sheets last week and had many days to study and were assigned review sheets in the book to prepare for this test. Please review with your student tonight for the test. Toward the end of the week we will spend some time on long division. Long division is not part of the 4th grade math curriculum according OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), however, I find it important that the students have a good understanding of division and the steps to follow prior to- 5th grade.
In Science we continue to work on our Science Projects. Getting to the Lab every chance we can. Please have your student bring in his display board by the beginning of next week. If you have trouble getting one of these, please let me know.
March 18th – Field Trip to Carkeek Park
March 19th – No schoolAdd to Calendar:
March 24th – SAM Field Trip (will take city bus)
March 24th – Science Fair 6-8pm School (also art fair and scholastic book sale)
March 9, 2010
Week 25
I wanted to compliment the 4th graders for grand reviews from their Substitute Teachers on their behavior from last Friday and Monday. I was away for medical reasons, and am happy to be back today.
The Last Wagon Trail books are coming in and we will begin this book on Monday. In reading, the past week and a half we have read about some explorers by sea, and now we have begun to read about immigrants who began to travel out west on the Oregon Trail post Lewis and Clark. The Lost Wagon Train will compliment this next Social Studies Unit, Missionaries. If we do not end up with enough books, I will copy the chapters for your student.
In Religion we continue with the CRS curriculum, this week we will travel to Afghanistan and learn how CRS has helped young boys and girls attend school.
Tomorrow the students have their Geometry/Measurement Unit Test. The students were given review sheets last week and had many days to study and were assigned review sheets in the book to prepare for this test. Please review with your student tonight for the test. Toward the end of the week we will spend some time on long division. Long division is not part of the 4th grade math curriculum according OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), however, I find it important that the students have a good understanding of division and the steps to follow prior to- 5th grade.
In Science we continue to work on our Science Projects. Getting to the Lab every chance we can. Please have your student bring in his display board by the beginning of next week. If you have trouble getting one of these, please let me know.
March 18th – Field Trip to Carkeek Park
March 19th – No schoolAdd to Calendar:
March 24th – SAM Field Trip (will take city bus)
March 24th – Science Fair 6-8pm School (also art fair and scholastic book sale)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Angelville News, Back on the Blog
Angelville News, Back on the BLOG
Bon Dia
Week 24, March 2, 2010
There had been some computer re-doing and the blog had been blocked from our access here at school. Problem has been fixed, and we are back to the Bon Dia being on the site,
With the new garden going in there will be more pictures and information in the future on the blog, so when you find a free moment check it periodically.
I have been really impressed with the students work and writing. I hope some of you have had the opportunity to see their work outside the classroom. I am really excited to see the end projects for the Science fair.
There will be a Green Team meeting tomorrow after school at 3pm, hoping to do some work in the garden till 3:30pm.
This week in religion we continue our CRS curriculum. This week we will travel to Bolivia and find out how CRS has helped a community in need. In reading we are reading about some of the first explorers who came over to the west by sea. Some of the students have already brought in their books, The Lost Wagon Train; as soon as I receive the ones that I ordered we will begin the book towards the end of next week.
This week in math will mostly review for our Unit Test on Geometry and Measurement. This math test will be Wednesday, March 10th. Our afternoons will be spent in the computer lab working on our Science Fair projects.
Loving the Warmer Days!
Bon Dia
Week 24, March 2, 2010
There had been some computer re-doing and the blog had been blocked from our access here at school. Problem has been fixed, and we are back to the Bon Dia being on the site,
With the new garden going in there will be more pictures and information in the future on the blog, so when you find a free moment check it periodically.
I have been really impressed with the students work and writing. I hope some of you have had the opportunity to see their work outside the classroom. I am really excited to see the end projects for the Science fair.
There will be a Green Team meeting tomorrow after school at 3pm, hoping to do some work in the garden till 3:30pm.
This week in religion we continue our CRS curriculum. This week we will travel to Bolivia and find out how CRS has helped a community in need. In reading we are reading about some of the first explorers who came over to the west by sea. Some of the students have already brought in their books, The Lost Wagon Train; as soon as I receive the ones that I ordered we will begin the book towards the end of next week.
This week in math will mostly review for our Unit Test on Geometry and Measurement. This math test will be Wednesday, March 10th. Our afternoons will be spent in the computer lab working on our Science Fair projects.
Loving the Warmer Days!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Angelville News, Week 21
Bon Dia
February 8, 2010
Good morning and welcome to a short week,
This week we will have a Valentines Day party on Thursday after noon break. Mrs. Endres will be providing the students will cupcakes and various other parents will be bringing in icing and decorations to decorate the cupcakes and cookies. Miz Schmutz will provide a Valentine themed movie to watch. All students are welcome to bring in Valentines to share with the class.
Reminders for the upcoming week there is not school on Friday the 12th, or Monday the 15th. School will resume on Tuesday the 16th. We are asking the students to bring in $1 for HATS OFF TO HAITI! Bring in a dollar and you may wear a special hat of your choosing on that day. There will be no school mass on Tuesday the 16th. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we will have mass.
Thanks to Kim Serwold for sending out an e-mail about the upcoming garden!
In school this week we are going to continue the author research of African Americans who have won awards as authors or illustrators. Once we have completed this project (hopefully by the end of the week) we will have them on display out side our classroom, come and take a look.
In math we continue our Measurement and Geometry unit. This week we will focus on formulas for perimeter and area, along with area and perimeter of complex figures. In reading we will wrap up our Lewis and Clark book, chapters 12-14 and watch a Lewis and Clark movie. In Social Studies we will focus on taking our photo strips of, Values that are important to Us. Once taken we will display those in the hall as well. In Religion we are going to be reviewing this week for a quiz on Thursday of the Beatitudes and the 10 commandments.
Any questions please contact me at
Have a nice week!
February 8, 2010
Good morning and welcome to a short week,
This week we will have a Valentines Day party on Thursday after noon break. Mrs. Endres will be providing the students will cupcakes and various other parents will be bringing in icing and decorations to decorate the cupcakes and cookies. Miz Schmutz will provide a Valentine themed movie to watch. All students are welcome to bring in Valentines to share with the class.
Reminders for the upcoming week there is not school on Friday the 12th, or Monday the 15th. School will resume on Tuesday the 16th. We are asking the students to bring in $1 for HATS OFF TO HAITI! Bring in a dollar and you may wear a special hat of your choosing on that day. There will be no school mass on Tuesday the 16th. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we will have mass.
Thanks to Kim Serwold for sending out an e-mail about the upcoming garden!
In school this week we are going to continue the author research of African Americans who have won awards as authors or illustrators. Once we have completed this project (hopefully by the end of the week) we will have them on display out side our classroom, come and take a look.
In math we continue our Measurement and Geometry unit. This week we will focus on formulas for perimeter and area, along with area and perimeter of complex figures. In reading we will wrap up our Lewis and Clark book, chapters 12-14 and watch a Lewis and Clark movie. In Social Studies we will focus on taking our photo strips of, Values that are important to Us. Once taken we will display those in the hall as well. In Religion we are going to be reviewing this week for a quiz on Thursday of the Beatitudes and the 10 commandments.
Any questions please contact me at
Have a nice week!
Friday, February 5, 2010
African American Author/Illustrator Project
Research : An African American Author
1. Once you have chosen your book you are going to begin research on the award that your book was given. You will conduct this research in the computer lab.
2. In complete sentences you will look up the award and include the following information: a) What is the awards history? B). What is the criteria for being selected for this award? C). What is one fact that your found interesting about this award?
3. State the year your book received this award.
4. You will gather your information, organize your thoughts, and then compile the information you have gathered into the computer. I will accept 16 or 18 font size, and either, Times, Arial or Comic Sans font.
5. Newbery Award:
Detailed information about your Author
How did your Author become an Author?
Name the different schools your author attended?
Where did your author grow up? What is some of their background history? (their growing up story)
Where does this person live currently if they are still alive?
Does this person have a family? Who are their family members?
How old is your author?
If your author has passed away, was he/she popular before he/she passed away?
What kind of person was your author? Would you be friends with your author? Explain in detail WHY?
What is the one thing that stands out in your mind about your author?
Did you enjoy your author’s book? Explain in detail why or why
This information will be typed out on the computer in an organized and well thought out manner.
1. Once you have chosen your book you are going to begin research on the award that your book was given. You will conduct this research in the computer lab.
2. In complete sentences you will look up the award and include the following information: a) What is the awards history? B). What is the criteria for being selected for this award? C). What is one fact that your found interesting about this award?
3. State the year your book received this award.
4. You will gather your information, organize your thoughts, and then compile the information you have gathered into the computer. I will accept 16 or 18 font size, and either, Times, Arial or Comic Sans font.
5. Newbery Award:
Detailed information about your Author
How did your Author become an Author?
Name the different schools your author attended?
Where did your author grow up? What is some of their background history? (their growing up story)
Where does this person live currently if they are still alive?
Does this person have a family? Who are their family members?
How old is your author?
If your author has passed away, was he/she popular before he/she passed away?
What kind of person was your author? Would you be friends with your author? Explain in detail WHY?
What is the one thing that stands out in your mind about your author?
Did you enjoy your author’s book? Explain in detail why or why
This information will be typed out on the computer in an organized and well thought out manner.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Angelville News, Week 20
Bon Dia
Feburary 3, 2010
Thank You to all the parents and students that helped to make our Open House such a success! It was great to see so many faces on Sunday! I am very proud of all the 4th graders and the work they have displayed in the hall.
This Friday is a Prayer Service in the auditorium at 8:45am. I also want to remind anyone interested in helping that we will be breaking ground on the GARDEN on Feb. 20th. Stop by to lend a hand, or just come by to check it out. We are Finally doing it! YAY!!
I apologize for the late newsletter, some how it got past me this week.
In math we continue with our measurement and geometry unit. This week we are looking at congruent and symmetrical figures. On Thursday we will move into perimeter and area of figures. Each Wednesday and Friday I am giving little Checkpoints, these are reviews of past units along with one problem pertaining to the current unit. In reading we continue to read about the long expedition of Lewis and Clark and then respond to comprehension questions in our journals.
In SS we continue with our Bridges Curriculum. The survey that went home was from the Bridges curriculum. This is to be aware of the consumption that is consumed by a very small percentage of the world. In 2008 there were about 6.5 billion people in the world, half of those people make less than $2 dollars a day, and another billion live on less than $1 a day. We were given information by the Conference of Catholic Bishops to recognize the campaign against global poverty, the concern of climate change and forced migration. We talked about forced migration in Religion on Monday and we will write letters to our diocese to find out whether or not we have a refugee resettlement program, and if so, ways in which we can help, acting as Faithful Stewards of God's Creation. This really hits home since just recently we have seen where forced migration and poverty is so real in a country just south of America, Haiti. Science, SS, and Religion have become cross-curricular this week. I will send a copy of the Migration information home for those of you that are interested in reading it.
This month is African American Heritage Month. Each student will choose an African American Author who has won an award for a book they wrote. The students will first research the award, and then the author. I will staple a copy of this assignment into their planners. This activity will go well into next week.
Have a great Day
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Angelville News, Week 19

Bon Dia
January 26, 2010
Good Afternoon families,
*This week we are busy at school getting ready for our Open House on Sunday, January 31 from 11:30-1pm. Please join us at mass prior to the Open House at 10am.
* Make sure that you continue to check your children's planners each afternoon to see that they are completing all of their work and then putting it back into their backpacks to be returned to school the next day.
* We have a Green Team meeting on Thursday right after school for a few minutes. We will be discussing the date of the Garden Ground Breaking party. All will be welcome to come out and dig in the dirt. Many hands make light work!!
* Progress Reports go home Tuesday, Today!
* This week in Math we are learning about angels, rays, polygons, quadrilaterals and congruent figures. Last week I started a new math review check. They will be called CHECK POINTS. I plan to do these each Wednesday and Friday. These will review problems from Units past and check for understanding and mastering of new material. If you have questions about these check points please e-mail me at
* In reading we continue to read through the Lewis and Clark Expedition out West. This week we will cover Chapters 6-8 and follow the study guide, writing our comprehension questions in our journals and plotting the trip on our US maps.
*In Religion we are finishing up our Beatitudes. We follow the Beatitudes to live a more happy, full life. You can view these outside the classroom during our Open House.
* In LA we are working on BOX IT stories! You can also view these during our Open House. We will have a Verb Quiz on Friday going over Being Verbs, Present, past and future verbs, irregular verbs, action verbs, linking verbs, helping verbs, verb phrases, Voyages book pages 410-430.
* In Social Studies we continue to work through the Bridges curriculum, you can see what the kids have been working on during Open House.
* Our salmon Eggs have begun to hatch, we are mapping them on a chart to see how long they will be in each stage before returning them to Carkeek park.
Enjoy the Sun!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Angelville News, Week 18
Bon Dia
January 19, 2010
I hope that you all had a nice MLK off. I know that I really was happy to see that sun yesterday!
This week is short. In Religion we will continue to work on the Beatitudes and talk about ways in which we might be of good Stewards to those who suffered the terrible tragedy last week in Haiti.
In Math we are starting a new Unit, Geometry and Measurement. This week we begin with shapes, and lines. I was real proud of the students and their Fraction/Decimal final. It is important that when your student is preparing for a test at the end of the week that they are spending time each night going over the review guides, they really help.
In Reading we continue to read Lewis and Clark and work in our Journals. This week we will read chapters 3-5 and answer the questions in our journals. If you would like to see the kind of work that your student is doing in his/her Lewis and Clark Journal ask that they bring it home to see.
Bridges to Understanding - Today we took our first Portrait photo shoots of each other. We are going to create cultural pages of ourselves this week. If you are interested in helping out on any photo shoots in the future please let me know.
Enjoy the short week!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Angelville News, Week 17
Bon Dia
January 11, 2010
This is a picture I took at the Living Zoo in Palm Desert! How beautiful is this creature?
RAVES: To the Fourth Grade class and their outstanding work this past week on their student interviews of each other, and their Recipe's of Me! I look forward to sharing them with your parents.
* Martin Luther King Assemble on Friday in the Auditorium
* In Religion we will continue to work on the Beatitudes.
* In math we are going to wrap up our Fractions Unit this week. We will have a Fraction/Decimal Math test on Friday, Jan. 15th, I will send that review sheet home tomorrow, Tuesday.
* In Reading we will begin the journey of Lewis and Clark. We will read this book as a class with comprehension activities along the way. I will try and have a study guide sheet made up by mid week.
* In English we continue to learn about the different kinds of Verbs.
* We will take a break from Science for the next few weeks as we begin a unit on Bridges 2 Understanding, however we will receive our Salmon eggs tomorrow and will follow the first few stages of the salmon's life cycle prior to returning them to Carkeek part where they will go into am impression pond for a few weeks before being released into the creek where they will slowly make their way out to sea.
* Social Students, Bridges to Understanding Unit. We will cover many lessons getting ready for our Digit Story. I may be calling some parents for some assistance as we wonder about taking pictures of various things on and around campus.
Have a great week and we look forward to a long weekend as well!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Angelville News, Week 16
Bon Dia

January 4, 2010
A warm Thank You to all who gave me gifts and script at Christmas. I hope you all had a wonderful vacation with your families :)
* Tuesday, January 5th is early out at 2pm
* Friday, January 8th is a non-uniform day.
* Friday, January 8th is the Geography Bee in the auditorium. 4th graders participate in the Geography Bee. This year I am pleased to announce our Geography Bee participants, Moira, and Isabelle, our alternate is Jeremy. They were the finalists of 8 rounds of geography questions in our classroom. Great Job Students!
I would ask that you all keep Tricia (2n grade teacher) in your prayers. She lost her father to cancer yesterday.
*We continue with fractions and decimals in math this week.
*We will begin Lewis and Clark in Reading and Social Studies this week. Please make sure your child has the Lewis and Clark book, by George Sullivan.
* In Religion we will talk about the Gospel reading for Tuesday and begin to learn the Beatitudes.
* In Science we will finish up our Physical Science Unit and have a test on Friday. I will send home the review sheet by Wednesday.
* In Language Arts we will write Recipe's of Me (all students), and my English and Spelling students will begin to learn about the different types of verbs.
Have a wonderful week!
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