Monday, December 17, 2012

Angelville News, December 17-21, 2012

Week 16

Dear 3/4 West Families,

I walked into church this weekend at Holy Rosary in Edmond's and the Vestibule floor was almost completely covered with gifts from our Charlie Brown giving tree.  This is the message of Christmas, we can all be messengers of HOPE for others!! I shed a happy tear, it was clearly amazing to see so many gifts for those in need.

I'm sure the tragedy and senseless act of violence in Connecticut is weighing on all of our minds.  As a teacher it hits to the core.  We all want to protect and keep our children safe.  Please know that we at St. Alphonsus take every precaution to run a safe and secure school.  I plan on speaking with the children today about the event and letting them express any concerns or fears they might have.  I know that my daughter was a bit hesitant about returning to school today.  We want all of our children to feel safe and secure and at the same time be able to communicate any fears they might have. It is also all of our responsibilities to report any kind of activity around the school that looks weird or out of place.  At mass in Edmond's this weekend, Father spoke of the tragedy, he also told a story of a time when the principal called him because two parents were fighting in the hall at school.  He told her to call the police, she didn't feel like she could do that since they were parents of the school.  Father said, "What if one of them has a gun?"  She called the police.   One example of always doing what's best in order to protect our students.

I am not going to give any homework packet outside of what we are doing in class.
*Thursday is Red and Green Day

*This week we will focus on finishing A Christmas Carol.  There will be a test over the book Thursday morning. Thursday afternoon we will have a Christmas party.  We will watch the Christmas Carol movie, have popcorn, hot cocoa, and Christmas cookies.

*4th grade Religion Students will have an Advent quiz on Wednesday.  Thursday during Religion there is the opportunity for all of the students to go to confession.

I hope you all have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!  You all will be in my prayers!  Until Next year, Miz Schmutz

Monday, December 10, 2012

Angelville New, December 10-14, 2012

Week 15

I want to thank all of those who donated to the One Saturday stockings.  The children were very happy to receive your generous gifts.  Thanks to my room moms for helping me get that all put together.  I also want to thank both 3/4 room moms for pricing all of our items sold in the class store.  We had our first 'store' on Thursday and I believe it was a great success.  The kids had a blast.  We will probably have store again early February.

Our ROCK STAR this week is Brynne!

*Spelling Unit 15
*Reading log
*MSL work
(we will not have a TFK or a Studies Weekly.  We are working hard to finish, A Christmas Carol, so you may see some of that work this week.  Today the students were assigned Stave II vocab.  That would be the second section of the book vocabulary, they have this).

Upcoming Events:
Tuesday the 11:  Report Cards go home.  Please be patient with this first time sending home the new report card format.  It is new to all of us and has been a learning curve.:)
Thursday the 13 - Red and Green Day

Friday the 14th - Prayer Assembly at 8:45, Holiday Hoopla so bring spare change, and both 3/4 classes will taking a walking trip to Ballard Manor to Christmas Carol with the music teacher Mrs. Sur.  Permission slips went home today.  If you would like to help chaperon this even please check the box at bottom of permission slip indicating that you can.  Thank You!

3/4 Science

We have finished up our study of animal life cycles. Students researched animals and created posters to help share their research with their classmates. Students became "experts" on their animals and we have all learned some fascinating facts about the life cycles of salamanders, butterflies, dragonflies, frogs, sea turtles, ants, chickens and lady bugs. We now continue to focus on our "Sun, Moon and Stars" unit. Thank you to the families who supported their student in observing the night sky over the last month. We will now delve into learning the names of the phases of the moon and modeling the Earth and moon's rotation with a light bulb and styrofoam balls. Students will be able to understand how the position of the sun, Earth and moon produce the cycle of the moon. We will also study the stars and planets.

Friday night BINGO!

Have a great week!  We are two weeks out, but I don't say that too loud..

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dear Families in 3/4 West,

There are a few people I would like for you to keep in your prayers.  The first person is Jamie and Clara's grandma.  She was hit by a car while crossing in a crosswalk last Friday and is at Harbor View.  She underwent surgery and will recover in a nursing home and with her son.  This accident hits home hard for the girls as they live with grandma and she is their primary care giver.  If you would like to help with meals please let the office know.  Thank you!

The second person I ask that you keep in your prayers is our Kindergarten teacher.  She is undergoing surgery today and will rest at home until after Christmas while she recovers.

Thank you and God Bless


Monday, December 3, 2012

Angelville News, December 3-7, 2012

Week 14
December 3-7, 2012

*Sunday began the first week of Advent!  The students will take part in various Advent activities in their Religion classes.  The 4th grade Religion class will help make Rosary's with the Senior community at the church this Wednesday.

*Hoping everyone had a nice weekend!  We still have three weeks of school left before Christmas.  The students are a buzz due to the season and what awaits us.  Please continue to support your students and help keep them on task in school.  
*We completed our first trimester last Friday and began a new one today.  I told my students they all have A's.  Now it is up to each one of them to keep their grades up.  We started a new grading system, grade link, last week, you can look forward to seeing a new report card format coming out next Tuesday.  Please bear with us as this will be our first go-around with the new system.

*I still have 3 students who have not completed their Advice Articles.  They are due.  I need them in my hot little hand Tuesday morning.:)

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!  STILL!!
2). Read the Studies Weekly and complete the cross-word puzzle and worksheet.  Then staple both together and turn in on Friday the 7th
3). Spelling Unit 14 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)

Have a great week!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


4th Graders have a math and Religion tests tomorrow, Thursday, November 29th.  

The math test is over standard multiplication and division algorithm.

Religion is over the 10 Commandments.

End of the 1st Trimester ends on Friday!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Angelville News November 26-30, 2012

Week 13

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!  We have come to the last week in November, so hard to believe!  We are nearing the end of the first Quarter of school.  Report cards will go home in a few weeks.

We are also approaching our first, One Saturday, on December 8th.  For those of you who are new to the school we help support a food bank and community up in Burlington who are primarily migrant workers.  This is a wonderful opportunity for families and students to travel up to the Catholic Church and serve in the Food Bank (more information on this day will be coming home).  This year each class has decided to make stockings for some of the children in the community.  Our class has decided to fill 10 stockings.  Your student will be coming home with what they have agreed to purchase for stocking.  I recommend the dollar store for many of the items.  If you have any questions about this project please contact me.

Today we began our Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.  You will see reading and comprehension coming home in the next few weeks.  Tomorrow we will begin vocabulary on the first Stave.  The students will also create a Christmas card, one that Scrooge might have sent out over Christmas.  Trivia:  The first Christmas cards came out in 1843.

4th grade Religion will have a 10 Commandments test on Thursday.  We will then begin our Advent unit.  We may have one of the Postulates in our room for Religion on Tuesday's and Thursday's.

4th grade math continues to work on multiplication and division standard algorithm.  There will be a multiplication/division quiz on Thursday.

Hope all have a wonderful week!  Four weeks until Christmas Break!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Science and the Moon

3/4 Science
Students were given a night sky log on Monday to observe the moon this week. Please return this week's log on Monday after Thanksgiving. The moon is now rising and setting at a more reasonable hour hour for observation, if only the weather cooperates! Please take advantage of any clear evenings we may have over the next 2 weeks to observe the moon, even if it is on the weekend- take a peek outside!
Thank you!

Angelville News November 19-21, 2012

Week 12

Student story - "It was November 21st and Kate was getting ready for Thanksgiving.  This ought to be the best Thanksgiving ever she thought.  Kate went to the store to get food for the feast.  She looked at one of the Turkey's, but it wasn't good enough, nor were any of the other Turkey's. She thought she would just go to another store for a Turkey, so she bought all of the other food and hauled it back to her house.  She looked in all the other stores she knew of, but she couldn't find a good enough Turkey.  By the time she got home it was time for bed, so she decided she would just get the Turkey tomorrow. The next day, she got so caught up in making her home look great she forgot to get the Turkey!  Her guests started arriving, and pretty soon they had all arrived.  Once everyone was there Kate told them all about forgetting the Turkey.  "It's all right," they all said, "The important thing is that we are all together."  In the end it turned out to be the best Thanksgiving ever!"- Vivian
THANKSGIVING WEEK!!  I want to thank all of the families who participated in the Auction last weekend!  So many of you were generous with your time in helping make the auction a huge success.  

We have a short week!  We will be out of school Wednesday at noon.  

Please come to our Prayer Service in the Auditorium, Wednesday at 10:30am.  Immediately following the Prayer Service the elementary students will perform Thanksgiving songs.  Once each class has finished singing we will all convene in the Cafeteria for our Annual Thanksgiving feast.  All families are welcome to attend and share in this meal with their students.

This year I am very THANKFUL for each one of my students.  I feel blessed to have such a wonderful class.  Thank you for sharing your students with me.  I hope you all have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

Miz Schmutz

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Angelville News November 13-16, 201

Week 11

First, I want to apologize for the late BLOG!

Second, when I see greatness in my students I have to share.  Currently we are working on Advice Articles in Writers Workshop.  This is a very different kind of writing that the students have not experienced before.  The students have chosen topics to write about and this week we have been working on the Intros to their Advice Articles.  This Intro I just loved!  And makes me a very happy teacher when I see that my students are really getting it.......

"Audrey has a problem, her favorite cat, Henry, has fur balls.  Henry goes outside a lot and that does not help.  There's going to be a cat show on Tuesday, just two days away.  The winner will get a trophy.  Audrey and her cat need to win, but Henry has fur balls, and they would never let Henry in the cat show with fur balls.  How is Audrey going to get Henry into the cat show?" WOW!  AWESOME!

*This Saturday night, St. Al's will celebrate our Galla Auction event.  I am hoping to see all of you there.  The class art project this year is OUTSTANDING!
*Next week is a short week.  We have two full days and then our traditional Thanksgiving feast where all are welcome to attend.  Lunch begins at 11am.  Our time to eat is about 11:20am.  Please come and enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with your student in our cafeteria.  Please also read the email from our room moms about helping serve food.  School will dismiss Wednesday at noon.  If you would like to take your student earlier please visit the office and get an exit slip to bring to me so that I know you have taken your student.

I am going to begin a whole class book read.  The book that I have chosen is A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  This is a higher level book, but nearing the Christmas season, a good one.  I will walk the students through this book for full understanding of Ebenezer Scrooges eerie encounters with special visitors and the transformation he goes through.  I will start the book after Thanksgiving break and we will finish it before Christmas, ending in watching the movie.  If you have concerns about reading this book please let me know before Monday, November 6.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Angelville News November 5-9, 2012


WOW!  It's hard to believe that we are already into November.  We started our canned FOOD DRIVE today!  Please send food with your students to school.  Being a Steward for Others is helping those less fortunate than ourselves.  As we begin to enter into the holiday season it is also a time for giving, this is one way we can share our treasures with others in need.

Another less exciting announcement is that we have cases of head lice in the school.  Keeping all hair pulled up and back is best.  There are some natural products for preventative measures out there.  I know that Tea Tree Shampoo is a preventative one.  I also heard one teacher say something about a product called "Lice knowing you."  My head itches just writing about it.

I have signed the 4th graders up for a Catholic Math League Competition across the country.  There will be 4 tests taken over the course of the year.  We will compete against other Catholic School.  Results of tests will be posted on  I will send home a release form tomorrow giving permission for your student's results to be posted on line.  If you do not want your student's name posted on this site, they will go in as student X.  The only people who will have access to the scores and results on line are the teachers involved.  We will take our first test tomorrow:), the students are very excited!!  Top students will receive certificates and prizes in the Spring.

This week in Religion we will study the 10 Commandments.  Next week we will be observed by a woman from the Archdiocese in our Religion class.  Mrs. Innes spoke about her in her newsletter last week.  I am hoping to begin the 8 Beatitudes for this visit.

In Social Studies we are working on posters called "5 Themes of ME."  This is in direct correlation to the 5 Themes of Geography that we began to study last week.  This is a fun way for the students to understand each Theme (location, place, movement, regions, and human interaction with the environment), in relation to each one of them, where they live and where they come from.

Tomorrow we have another Author Visit, Obert Skye.  I sent home forms last week if any student wanted to buy a book.  Please bring those in tomorrow if you'd like for your student to get a signed copy of his book.  Fill free to join us in the auditorium at 10:45am of you would like to hear from a real live author.

3/4 Science
We have studied the sun and will begin to study the moon, as a part of our "Sun, Moon and Stars" FOSS science unit. Students will learn about the phases of the moon and will be asked to keep a daily observation log of the moon. We will observe the moon as it changes over the month. Students will be given a "Night Sky Log" on Mondays and are asked to return it on Fridays. Each week night they will need to draw and write about what they observe in the night sky. If the moon is not visible due to cloudy skies, students should still record what they see. Students are also continuing to work on their life cycle reports in class. They have been engaged in making posters and finding facts to present to their classmates.

~Sherry Weber 

Have a great week!  Mrs. Weber will be teaching Thursday and Friday of this week!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween in 3/4 East and West

Happy Halloween Celebration in both 3/4 classes today.  Thanks to all of our moms who made it a great afternoon!!

The students enjoyed face painting, cookie decorating, penny toss into the pumpkin, book mark making, bingo, and a movie.....WOW!!

*May everyone have a safe and happy time Trick or Treating tonight!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Angelville News October 28-November 2, 2012


*Tomorrow is our field trip to ‘The Farm.’  I do not have all of the permission slips in, nor the $6 to participate while at the farm (I have 7 permission slips with money, I have an additional 3 slips with no money).  If I do not get your child’s permission slip or money by tomorrow, your student will not be able to attend the field trip and will remain at school.
This is also a non uniform day.  The students are asked to dress warm with boots, jackets, hats, and gloves if need be.  This is an out door field trip.  We will leave school around 10:00am and return before the end of the day.
Students also need to bring a sack lunch and drink, as we will be eating at ‘The Farm.’  If you have any questions concerning the field trip please email me at  I do not have access to my school web mail once I leave the building, but can get my gmail.

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!
2). Complete all of the TFK, worksheets and questions in the magazine.
3). Spelling Unit 9 this week, all 4 pages!
*Non uniform Tuesday, Wednesday (orange and black day), and Friday!!

In Religion this week we will begin to learn and understand the 10 commandments.  Today with my class we did worked on one of the Habits of Mind for this year, Wonderment and Awe, all students had to come up with an experience they have had where they had Wonderment and Awe.  Some of your students are bringing that paper home tonight.

In 4th grade Math this week we will continue with our long division.  At our conferences I did tell some of the parents that the checkpoints that are timed are not factored into your student's math grade.  I was wrong!  After my math seminar on Friday I learned that these are skills all of the students need to memory.  I will continue to work with the students on memorizing their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Here are a few websites that may help you at home
1), (at home page type in what you are looking for, ex. multiplication facts, flashcards etc.

On Friday my LA students will have a noun test.

In Social Studies we will continue to learn about the election and some issues that are being debated between the two candidates.

*We are having a little Halloween party in our class on Wednesday during math from 10:30-noon!  

Please contact me if you have any questions.  Thank you!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Angelville News, October 22-26, 2012

Conference Week
A special thanks to Gracie for her very thoughtful gift today.  I love it,  thank you Gracie!!!

*Conferences will be held this week on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25.
*Friday is a teacher development day and no school.

*Tuesday afternoon/evening is SCARY CAKE night and a movie.  See the school website for details.
*Monday, October 29 there will be a NOUN test for my students not in MSL!

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!
2). Studies Weekly Newspapers.  Comprehension worksheet #16 and the crossword puzzle in the Newspaper ALL need to be completed
3). Entire Entry task worksheet needs to be completed Monday – Friday.
4). Entire Geography Week 7 packet, Monday –Friday.
5). Longitude and Latitude worksheet 29-30.  We had trouble with Longitude and Latitude last week and so this is extra practice.
*All work will be turned in on Monday the 29th.

3/4 Science
We have started our unit "Sun, Moon and Stars". We have spent some of the last sunny days this month observing how the sun travels across the sky. The students have also read in their science books more in depth about how it is actually the earth moving that causes changes in the sun's position and the length and position of the shadows it creates. Along with the studying the sun, the students are continuing their study of "life cycles". The students are working in pairs or trios, doing research about the lifecycle of a different animal. Each group will create a poster about their animal's life cycle and will share what they learned with their classmates.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Angelville News - October 15-19


I do believe that FALL is upon us!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!

*Conference times will go home Tomorrow the 16th.
*Conferences will be held Wednesday and Thursday, October 24-25.  There will be no School next week on Wednesday - Friday.  Friday is a teacher Professional Development Day!
*Parents please continue to check your students planner.  It is very important that they are turning in all of their weeks work on Friday.

TFK - Mars
Spelling Unit 7 all 4 pages
Reading Logs - These are not being turned in.  They are part of a homework grade.

In RELIGION we will begin Chapter 25 in our text books.  Turning back to God, and the 10 Commandments.

MATH - The 4th graders took their multiplication quiz last week, and will begin division this week.  Understanding the vocabulary; dividend, divisors, quotient, and remainders.  Today they had book page 217 #1-4.  Wednesday they will have book page 221 #1-28.

In WRITERS WORKSHOP we will begin working on poetry.  Tomorrow they will take a writing assessment that will be graded and shown at conferences.  This will go into their Writing portfolios.

In READING I have assessed many of the student on their reading levels and will have these completed and available for you to see when you come to conferences.

In SS the students will continue with Studies Weekly.  Last Thursday they took their Washington Map tests. I will be grading them tonight.  This week in Studies Weekly we will be learning about Washington's Rivers.

In SCIENCE the students are learning about the sun.  If is comes out this week we will go outside to see what happens at different times of the day with the sun.

Have a good week!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

4th Gade Multiplication Quiz on Friday

4th Grade Multiplication Quiz FRIDAY
All of the Students took notes today and should have their notes to study from

*multiply two digit by one digit
*multiply two digit by two digit
*place value
*round to underlined digit
*less than<, greater than> and =

Washington Map Test Thursday


The students will have a State of Washington Map Quiz on Thursday.  They all have practice maps.  Thursday they will be given a blank Washington map and will need to:

*label all 5 regions
*bodies of water
*2 mountain ranges
*mountains on map
*state capital
*major cities on the map
*pretty much what is labeled for them on the map they will need to know

Monday, October 8, 2012

Angelville News October 8-12, 2012

Week 6

Dear Parents,

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend with this continued killer weather!!  It makes me so very happy :)!  Not sure what I'm going to do when the rain hits!:(

*Tomorrow we have a very exciting visit from Author John Stephens who wrote Emerald Atlas and The Fire Chronicle.  Many of the students in my class have already read one of his books, so this will be extra special for them.  His book talk will be from 10:45 - noon on Tuesday.  Books will be available for purchase tomorrow.  Might be kind of fun to have a personalized signed copy of one of his books.  I will send this information home with your student today.

*Please continue to check your student's planners.  All homework packets are due on Friday's (this includes the TFK, Spelling Unit and reading log).  All Entry Tasks are due on Friday's.  Geography packs are also due on Friday's.  If your student is missing something I will do my best to email you immediately.  On top of emailing you I also let the student know what they are missing.  After that it will be up to the student to turn in the work.  
Home work packet this week:
TFK - Polar Explorer
Spelling Unit 5
Reading Log

Sr. Giovanni will be a guest teacher in my 4th grade class this week talking about the Rosary.  October is the month of the Rosary.

4th Grade Math this week is all about MULTIPLICATION!  Last week we worked with two digit multiplication by one digit.  Today our assignment is Lesson 4.5, Three digit by one digit.  Tomorrow there will not be math classes due to our guest speaker.  Math on Wednesday and Thursday will be two-digit by two-digit, Lesson 4.6 and 4.7.

I have begun to give reading assessments.  At conferences I will let you all know what reading level your student is at.

Today the students will be given a practice writing prompt.  On Thursday they will be given their Fall Writing Assessment.  There are two prompts that the students can choose from.  There are 3rd grade prompts and 4th grade prompts.  The writing on Thursday will be assessed and your student will be given a writing level.  A second writing assessment will be given in Spring.

In Social Studies we continue to talk about Washington.  This week the students will study the regional locations of Washington, Mountain ranges, mountains, cities and large bodies of water.  There will be a quiz on the map of Washington on Thursday.  If time allows we will begin to talk about the US Presidential Election (Who can vote, US Voting Laws, Presidential Firsts, What's a political party, and the two candidates.  We will not discuss personal family voting feelings/beliefs for one candidate or another.  It will all be general information.

In Science the students are working in the FOSS kit, Sun. Moon and Stars.

KEEP SHINNING SUN, have a great week!!  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

4th Grade Religion

The 4th graders will take their first Religion Quiz Friday the 5th, tomorrow over the 7 Sacraments.

What to know:
*7 Sacraments as they are received in the Church and a brief description of each
*meaning of MASS
*meaning of Sacraments
*meaning of Grace

They can study their notes and Chapter 28 in their Religion books.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 4, 2012 PICTURE DAY

Good morning families,

I read the picture day sheet wrong and thought it was a week later.  This Thursday, the students will be taking their personal pictures.  The students may wear non-uniform/Sunday Best attire, even though it says on the sheet that they need to be in their uniforms.  Of course they can be in their uniforms if that is your choice, but it is not required.

Have a good day,

Miz Schmutz

Monday, October 1, 2012

Angelville News October 1-5th 2012

Week 5

Here we go with some more wonderful weather!!  LOVE IT!!

We had a fabulous field trip last week to the King Tut Exhibit.  I will post the pictures this week on the blog.  The kids were AWESOME as were the Chaperone's.  Thank you all for a great day!

*Non uniform dress this Friday
*Continue to check your students planner and binder each night.  If your student has late work or missing work I will email you.  I will not continue to ask for the late work.  If the work does not show up it will go into my grade book as a Zero.

In Writing this week we will continue to write stories for each student's personal Newspaper.  I need a picture of your student's Hero as well as one of your student, or student with family etc.  These pictures you will not get back in the same form.

In 4th grade math we have been working solving story problems.  We will continue with story problems and go into multiplication.  It is imperative that your student knows his/her multiplication facts for memory.  We will be working on multiplying 4 digit numbers by one digit numbers and two digit by two digit.

In Religion we will finish up with the 7 Sacraments this week and there will be a test on Friday over the Sacraments.

In Social Studies we are studying the 5 Regions of Washington.  The students will also get a new Studies Weekly Newspaper, Did Washington have Dinosaurs?  In our Geography this week we are learning about Grid Maps.

 3/4 Science-- The students worked hard to demonstrate what they learned by creating a poster about the salmon life cycle. The students worked in groups to show the habitat, predators and prey during each stage of the cycle. Check out the posters on display outside of our classrooms. Next, students will study life cycles of other animals and begin some of the lessons from our Sun, Moon and Stars unit. We will also be reading our National Geographic magazine.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Angelville News September 24-28, 2012


*Field Trip to King Tut is tomorrow.  We will leave and take the city bus to the Pacific Science Center.  Leaving around 8:45 am and returning around 12:45pm.  IF YOUR CHILD HAS NOT RETURNED HIS OR HER FORM THEM WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GO ON THE FIELD TRIP WITH US!!!  Please make sure those come back.  I believe I am missing 4 forms.

*I continue to have many students not turning in their work on time.  Tracking down work is one of the biggest struggles for a teacher.  Please help that your child has all of their belongings each day.  Please help me by checking and signing their planners each night.  If you feel as though your child needs accommodations in helping him/her remember their school work please let me know and we can pull our heads together and come up with some ideas.

-In Social Studies we are studying Washington State.  This week we will be talking about the 5 regions of Washington on a map.  Students will be responsible for locating and labeling all 5 regions along with State Capital, boarders, mountain ranges in Washington as well as important cities.  We will continue with our Geography Weekly; this week we are studying the 4 hemispheres.

-In Writer's Workshop we have begun our "All about ME" newspapers.  Your student needs a picture of their HERO as well as a picture of themselves or a picture with family.  The sooner you can have those come to school the better.  You will not get these pictures back in the same form.  If it is not a picture you want to give us you can take a copy of it and send it in with your student.

-In Religion this week we will continue with the 7 Sacraments.  October is the month of the Rosary, and will will have a two day visit from Sr. Giovanni.

-In Math my 4th grade students are studying 'factors' and 'multiples' of any given number.

-In Science the students are studying the life cycle of a salmon.

Hard to believe we are already in week 4!  Have a great one!  Contact me with any questions!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Angelville News September 17-21, 2012


*CURRICULUM NIGHT Wednesday, September 19 at 7pm.  Please come and see our classroom and hear about what is going on in 3/4 West!

We had a wonderful walking trip to the Ballard Locks last Wednesday.  Our Ranger was excellent!  I think the students really enjoyed themselves and learned a few things about the locks and the fish ladder for the salmon.  We saw so many salmon coming through, more than I have seen in the past 4 years doing this field trip.  It was GREAT!!

*A new Field Trip form is going home tomorrow, KING TUT!  We will take the city bus to the Pacific Science Center on Tuesday, September 25th.  We will leave around 8:45am and return around 12:30.  Please pack your student a sack lunch for this field trip.  The cost and information about the trip is on the back of the field trip form.

In my 4th grade Religion class we applied one of our Religion SLE's "Wonderment and Awe" to our field trip.  The students showed what it "LOOKS" like and "SOUNDS" like to have Wonderment and Awe in relation to our field trip.  This week Fr. Shane is going to come in to class and lead the students in a lesson on the 7 Sacraments.  We will continue to learn about the 7 Sacraments this week and next.

In my 4th grade Math class we are reviewing many skills.  We are also doing quick minute checks on our addition and subtraction tables.  Once we have mastered those we will move on to multiplication.  This week we are covering >,<,=

In SS we will begin our Washington Studies Weekly newspapers this week.  Our curriculum this year is Washington.

In Writer's Workshop the students are writing about a place they know so well or an activity they know so well that it has become part of who they are in a way.  We read a children's literature book the first week of school called If you're not from the prairie..............., their personal writings are a spin off from this book.  I am hoping they are all completed to have on display at curriculum night.

*PLEASE CHECK YOUR STUDENTS' PLANNERS EACH NIGHT, AND SIGN.  Checks mean work is complete, circle means not complete and needs to be done and brought back the next day.

Thank you all for your support!  Keep bringing on that SUN:)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The students will learn how to use their PLANNERS today.  Planners will come home each day to be signed by a parent.  If a student did not complete their daily work in the classroom they will bring it home to finish this work should be circled in their planner.  Daily work that comes home is different from the homework for the week.  If you find that your student is bringing home daily work often, this is a sign to you that your student may not be using his/her time wisely in the classroom.  Math may be an exception to this rule.

Daily work that does not get completed that night at home and returned to school the next day will resort in your student staying in for break to complete this work.

If you have any questions please let me know

I will go over this in greater length at open house!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Angelville News September 10-15, 2012

September 10-15, 2012

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!  I had the opportunity to go to San Diego for a few days with my husband and his school for a football game.  I must say that I love San Diego, being by the water and in the sun was fabulous!

*FIELD TRIP ON WEDNESDAY, Ballard Locks.  We will leave school at 9:15am and return by 12:15pm.  You need to pack your student a sack lunch as we will be eating in the park after our Lock tour.  Thank you Mr. Green and Mrs. Malkoski in advance for chaperoning this walking trip.

Today the first homework packets are going home to be returned on Thursday this week since we do not have school on Friday!
Weeks Work
1), TFK (Time For Kids) magazine and worksheet.  The student needs to read the entire magazine, answer the questions in the magazine as well as complete the worksheet that goes along with the magazine.
2). Unit 1 in their spelling books (not for MSL students).  There are 4 pages in the unit.  The questions must be answered on another piece of lined paper.  I will go over this process with the students tomorrow in class.
*if you have any questions please let me know at or

In Writers Workshop we are working on Brainstorming ideas for stories.  We will continue with our "If you're not from......, "or "If you've never done..... stories this week.

4th grade math students are working on place value, and rounding.  We will continue with these skills as well as adding factors and multiples of numbers towards the end of the week.

In Social Studies this week we will work on a map lesson in Geography and begin our Studies Weekly newspaper on Washington.

In Religion we are talking about the 7 Sacraments.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you!  Towards the end of the week I will be sending on the blog information about our next Field Trip, King Tut September 25th.  Stay Tuned and have a great week:)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Signed Planners ALL year

Here's to the students who had a signed planner everyday they came to school.  Well we celebrated with a little ice cream from Walters in Ballard.  That was Miz Schmutz's first time to Walters, and I know I'll be back.  I think the girls really enjoyed their ice cream eating in front of all the

Responsibility does pay off!!!


Who knew that Miz Schmutz loved big rings???  Someone who was paying very close attention.

Thank you Eva and family for my gift!  I absolutely LOVE it!!  I am going to wear it to a wedding I am going to in Oregon next weekend!  Thank you!  Oh, and the Star Store is one of my most Favorite stores in the world.  Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! love, Miz Schmutz


Well our FUN DAY at the beach was hit with a little rain and a minor accident with one of the students who we sent to the hospital who was hit by a swing in the chin.  Good news was that the students had fun and our injured student did not need stitches just a little glue job (who knew that they could glue cuts together, technology these days :)).  After all of our 'TOO WET' barometers went off, we came back to school to enjoy a little cake that Mrs. Connel picked up.

"I liked looking for shells," Emily 3/4 West.
"It was fun climbing the dome," Catherine
"I liked being by the rocks and building a dam out of sand," Julian

All in all, great day!  It's been such a joy working with all of these wonderful students this year!  I will be honest and say this, best class I have had in 8 years of teaching!  Thank you all for sharing your students with me this year!  Miz Schmutz:)

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Here are a few updates:

TONIGHT MEET IN THE CLASSROOM AT 6:45pm for Jr. Olympics Concert.

Tomorrow Jr. Olympics, looks like we will be playing in the rain:(  I strongly advise all student to dress warm, bring a towel and a change of clothes.  Boys may wear basketball shorts.  If the girls wear swimsuits under their clothes they need to be appropriate suits.

Jr. Olympic Buffet will begin at 11:30am.  Schools out at 12:30pm

Monday is Pizza, and LAST hot lunch of the year!  Tuesday we are going on our field trip to Golden Gardens.  ALL students will need to bring a sack lunch.

Wednesday all students will also need to bring a sack lunch.  Thursday and Friday are 1/2 days, out at 12:00pm.

Monday, June 11 is graduation and we will celebrate mass with the 8th graders in the church at 9am.  This will be Fr. Dan's last school mass with us.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is FREE DRESS!!

Contact me with any questions!


Yesterday we celebrated Brynne's Birthday!  Brynne is a wonderful piece to the 3/4 West classroom.  She is kind to all of her peers, and a huge help to her teacher when she is unable to locate something in the classroom that might be right under her nose.  She is always willing to lend a hand, and has a green thumb in the garden.  She is a JOY!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bon Dia
Week 38th

WOW!  We are almost there.
OK so here is the skinny this week.

*4th grade math final Wednesday
*Reading Chapter Book Tests Wednesday
*Jr. Olympics Thursday 7pm in gym.  Meet me in the classroom at 6:45pm - all welcome in families.
*Jr Olympic Parade and games Friday.  Around the World Buffet 11:30am Friday, families welcome.  School out at noon!

Keep posted in case I am forgetting anything.  Here is a sneak Peak of a pic of them practicing for Jr. Olympics.  We are Germany!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Putting Our Best Feet Forward

Dear Parents,

Please remind your students to put their best effort first in these last few weeks of school.  I know that we all are getting a little antsy for the end of the year to come, but we still have so much to finish up and grades have not been completed yet.  Last week I saw great writing come from this bunch.  I am really hoping this transfers over to all subject areas.  Please continue to look at your student's work in their Friday folders.  This gives you a good ideas as to how your student is doing.

Thank you,

Miz Schmutz

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This week at St. Alphonsus our theme is "PACK."  Please send in any and all boxes you can spare for this packing up our rooms project.  Best are boxes with lids or ones that we can tape closed.  Thank you to Hawk and Murray-Tuesta family for the boxes you sent in last week.  Much appreciated.

*Students will no longer be able to check out books.  All books need to start being returned to the library.

*Friday the 1st is the Kindergartner's Prayer Service.  
*Our new principal for next year will be visiting the school all day on Friday the 1st as well.  If you see Mrs. Innis please introduce yourself.

Mrs. Schmutz's 4th grade math class will take a math final quiz this Friday the 1st.  Their Math FINAL TEST over all standards learned for 4th grade this year will be on June 7th.
Friday, the 1st will also be the Maniac Magee final test.  The students have the review sheets for this test.

In reading the students continue to read books based on their reading levels.  Each reading group is reading a different book.  During reading we work on vocabulary and comprehension as well as reading in groups with each other.  I will announce the final tests for each book later this week.

I want to thank all of my students for such wonderful work in the garden.  Our garden is really thriving.  When students ask to pull weeds and cheer about it, you wonder if you have said something wrong.  It's so great to see!  3/4 West students are Super Gardeners!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Student Writing RAVES

Dear Parents,
I just want you all to know how proud I am of your students and the writing they produced in their final writing assessment today.  They all have come so far, and in my opinion, write years above their age.  I hope many of them find a love for writing, and I hope to read their published work one day.

Thank you for sharing your students with me,

Miz Schmutz

Tuesday, May 22, 2012



I am in need of boxes!  We will begin to box books up and other items in the classroom that we will not need for the remainder of the school year.  If you can give up some boxes, please send them in with your student.  Thank you!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Angelville News, May 21-25, 2012

Week 36

We were getting so used to the sun, where did it go???

As some of you may know the school is getting ready for the second phase of our retrofit this summer.  This will begin as soon as the school year (June 15th) ends.  The entire 2nd floor will be moved to the third floor the last few days of our last week.  So, if you see lots being moved around in the school you now know why.

This week is our Annual Book Fair.  I told the students that they may bring in money to purchase a new book, OR write down books for a wish list and give to mom or dad to purchase books for them.  During Library tomorrow the students will check out the fair with Sr. Miriam, at that time if they have money, they can purchase a new book.

Since the year is coming to an end we will be taking final tests etc.  Tomorrow my 4th grade math class will take their Area/Perimeter/Geometry test.  They took a practice test last Thursday, and hopefully most of them brought home their books tonight to do some added study.

Wednesday they will be taking their Final Writing Assessment.  They will get 45 minutes to complete this.  They will be given 2 prompts to choose from.  At the end of the year all of the teachers will assess these writing and then place where you son or daughter is as a writer.  This assessment will be given to their teachers for next year.

Also on Wednesday they will have a Religion quiz.  They can study their religion packets in their binders.
ITBS went well and those were turned in today.  The results will come back sometime this summer and will be given to the parents at the beginning of the year, next year.

I know we are coming to the end, but it is important that we all finish strong and do our very best to finish up the year!  If you have any questions about anything at the end here, please let me know.

*I mentioned last week about the money for the costumes.  Girls will be $15 and boys $8.  Please bring in the money this week so one of my moms can purchase the outfits by June 1st.

Thank you all and have a great week!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

REMINDERS/Jr. Achievement

A few reminders:
Friday is Science Club for 3/4 graders.
Friday night is B-I-N-G-O night.

I also want to remind parents to read the blog, and send in the money so that we can purchase the costumes for  Jr. Olympics.

Something I had forgotten in my Newsletter this week was a very HUGE THANKS to all of the parents who participated in Staff Appreciation week.  We had delicious food and were very happy teachers.  Thank You!!

During the past few weeks we have had 2 students from SPU (Seattle Pacific University) coming into our class talking with the students about city planning etc.  This is part of our curriculum for Social Studies which is communities.  The kids have had a blast.  The students; Haley and Jordan were awesome!  Attached is a picture of the girls and our class.  We will be writing thank yous to them later today!

Enjoy the Sun :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Angelville News May 14-18, 2012

Week 34

Hope all of the Moms had a wonderful weekend in the sun.  The sun made all of the difference for me, that was for sure.
Congratulations to all of the girls in 3/4 West who participated in the play.  I was not able to attend, but I did have a few family members attend, and said it was AWESOME!!
*Beginning tomorrow we will begin our ITBS testing.  All of the 3rd graders will test in 3/4 East, and all of the 4th graders will test in 3/4 West with me.  We will do this each day for the rest of the week during the morning periods.  If you have any questions or concerns about the testing, please contact me,  It is very important that the students get good nights sleep, eat in the morning, and have water bottles.  I allow gum during testing time.  You may send gum with your student if you see fit.  Due to ITBS testing, work will be light this week.

*The end of the year Jr. Olympics performances are coming up.  We are the country of Germany.  Samantha's mom and I have met and we are working on getting costumes put together for this performance, June 7th at 7pm in the school gym. (For those of you who are new to the school we have a big Jr. Olympics Celebration each year.  Each class adopts a country.  In music the students learn music and dance from that country.  On the day of the concert all of the countries come dressed up in their costumes and parade around the school gym.  Once we have paraded in each class will perform.  The following day we parade around our city block and then join in the field day games.  Around 11ish we all share in one big school country feast.  Each class provides food from their country to share.  Very similar to our Thanksgiving feast, all families are invited to come.  School is then dismissed around noonish June 8th).
German Costumes:
Mrs. Murray-Tuesta has gone to the Costume Display shop and is willing to pick up what we need.  I am asking you to send in the money for your students costume and we will make sure we get them.

$15 dollars for your hat and corset.  The girls will also wear a white shirt (uniform shirt can do) and a dark skirt

$8 for your suspenders
Boys will wear pants(can wear school pants) and a black, red or yellow shirt.
(email me with questions)
*please bring money in to class.  We will purchase the parts of the outfits June 1st.

Last day of school is June 15th Friday, at noon.

Looking forward to a great week.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Angelville News May 7-11, 2012

Bon Dia
Weel 33

I heard the Poetry Jam was great!  Thanks to all that came out to support our students.

Many great things to do this week.  Most importantly we have our Disney Movie Field Trip tomorrow to see Chimpanzee.  We have been learning many great things about Chimps and their habitats and environment and are all looking forward to this event.  Please make sure your child has a sack lunch and snack.  We will leave school around 10:15am returning around 2pm.

There will be no more Scholastic book orders, however, you will be able to purchase books at our Scholastic book fair coming up soon.  The AA will post the dates and times.
Prayer Service May Crowning is this Friday.  Please have your student bring flowers to place at Mary's feet.

In Readers Workshop each student is reading a book in a Literature Circle.  This will go on till almost the end of the year.  I will be working with each group at different times during the week.

ITBS testing is scheduled for May 14-24, all students in 3-8th grade will participate in this standardized testing.

Have a great week, bring on the sun all day:)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Class photo, can't get much cuter than these kids!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Reminder not to forget our Poetry Jam in the Library tomorrow at 2:15pm.  A great opportunity to hear the wonderful poetry the 3/4 West students have been working on over the past month.  Please join us following the Poetry Jam in our room for refreshments.  Thank you and see you tomorrow!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Angelville News, April 30-May 4, 2012

Week 32
*I continue to show a great amount of frustration with the new blogger site.  I am having trouble adding pictures etc.  It does not look any different as to how you see it on the site, but the set up page is very different for me as to how I construct the new blog.  I am hoping I can get my tech person to help me.  Thank you for your patience.

Super JOB to all of the 3/4 West students on the Prayer Service, I have heard from so many people in the school community that it was AWESOME!!!  Thank you Kate for taking pictures and adding them to this great site for all in the class to see  Thanks again for all that have supported us!

We would like to invite all of our parents to our Poetry Reading this Friday in the school library at 2:15pm.  Following our poetry reading will be a mini reception in our classroom.  We have been working hard all month writing poems for poetry month.  The students are busy creating their own poetry books.  They are very excited to share these with you all.
The school play, The Wizard of Oz, will begin this weekend in the school auditorium.  The show times are Friday @ 7pm, Saturday @7pm and Sunday @2pm.  All the school support is greatly appreciated.
Tomorrow we will be going downtown to the Chimpanzee movie.  We will leave school around 11:15am.  All students are asked to bring a sack lunch.  We plan on eating in the lobby of the theatre prior to the movie beginning at 12:30pm.  We will return to school by 3pm.  For the next few weeks in SS/Science we will learn about Chimpanzees and their habitats.
*please bring in all jog-a-thon pledges if you have not already done so this week.
*we are also looking to sell as many plants as possible in support of the school garden.  There had been a mistake made with the order sheet that had gone home.  The first sheet put out was the cost prices for the plants.  The second sheet is correct on the school website and the last one that I sent home on Friday.  All orders are asked to be in by May 8th.  Thank you ahead of time for supporting our school garden!!
*report cards will go home tomorrow, May 1st, May Day!  Hard to believe we are here already.
*Friday is non uniform dress day!

Praying for a glorious week with much sun!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This is a test to see what this looks like on the new blog.  Parents please read all of the materials coming home today.  Thank You!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Planting Beans

On Tuesday the Kindergartners came out to the garden to plant their beans they had started from seed in their classroom. The 3/4 W class helped them get their beans into the ground. Fun for all!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Writing Samples - Fiction Stories

I spent yesterday assessing writing work the students had done just prior to break. We had been working on writing Fiction stories. Here are a few samples from their works that I thought were excellent:

"They hiked up the mountain with a curious mind."

"The sun set, the stars came out, a soft breeze drifted across Shane's back.

"They lived in a bright colored Candy Land, with gumdrop trees and marsh mellow bees."

"Her bed was a water bed, and it was made out of swirly, twirly chocolate.

"Get in the galley for breakfast, then get this ship shipshape after breakfast me maties."

"The dolphins dropped Eva off at the foot of the island."

"They hoped from block to block."

"I could feel the ice cold breath from this hideous monster pressing against me. I was powerless against the beast."

*Each time I read their new work I am blown away!!! Good stuff!

Genevieve Birthday

Yesterday was Genevieve's Birthday! We celebrated with very yummy cupcakes with butter cream frosting. Happy Birthday Genevieve, hope you had a wonderful day with your family!!!

Angelville Newsletter, April 16-20, 2012



WELCOME BACK ALL! I apologize for not getting this out to you yesterday, but our school server was down with no Internet. I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and Break! I felt very blessed to travel to Palm Desert with my family to meet up with my parents to celebrate Easter together. Life is so short, it's important to treasure the time we have with our family and friends.

*This coming Friday is our annual JOG-A-THON. Each class will have a period to jog as many laps as they can. This also happens to be one of our biggest fund raisers for the school. Each student is asked to raise at least $100 in pledges. I hope all of the students are getting their pledges.

*We have planted a few of the beds in the garden. We will be helping the Kinders plant their bean plants today in the garden. I purchased a green house for the garden. I am hoping the green house gets constructed before the 27th of April. Our class is in charge of the prayer service this month and we would like to have it in the garden. I may need a mom or dad to plant the hanging baskets, and any other odds and ends to make sure the garden is in tip top shape.

Being that we are in the season of Easter we will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus teaches us to treat others with kindness. Jesus wants us to care about others and to forgive them when they have hurt us. These are lessons we can practice everyday in school and at home.

In WW we have started a new unit, POETRY! We will learn all about different kinds of poetry, and writing different kinds of poetry. Each student will put together their own poetry book. In May we will invite all of the parents to a poetry reading. If we can get a nice day we could have it in our garden:)

Yesterday, the students did a practice writing prompt. Next month, as part of our writing curriculum, all students from 3-8(who will also take the ITBS standardized test) will be given 2 prompts to choose from to write a story in 45 minutes. Their writing will be scored and kept on file for the next year. The score will show where your student is as a writer, (just like we do in reading, tracking their improvements in reading).

Math 4th - this week we are working on multiplication and division story problems, working them backwards.

The next few months will be very busy. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send me an email.


Miz Schmutz